Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan pledges to declare South Kordofan free of rebels before the end of year

December 8, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – The governor of South Kordofan and Sudanese army today pledged to clear South Kordfan from the rebels of Sudan People’s Liberation Movement – North before the end of the year.

Ahmed Haroun, governor of Sudan's embattled state of South Kordofan (Getty)
Ahmed Haroun, governor of Sudan’s embattled state of South Kordofan (Getty)
Ahmed Haroum made the pledge on Thursday during a visit to the remote area of Alatmor to inspect the Sudanese troops there after retaking it from the SPLM-N rebels, together with the disputed area of Jau and other positions earlier this week.

The governor who admitted that the SPLM-N remains active in three of the 19 districts of the state pledged Thursday to restore security and stability in the whole state and to clear the three areas of Haban, Um Dorain, and al-Buram where the rebels have some presence.

Haroun said the army captured recently six armored vehicles after the fight against the rebels in Abu Hshim, Alatamor Talodi, and Toroge. He want further to promise to liberate rebel stronghold of Kauda soon.

SPLM-N spokesperson Arno Lodi said today they repulsed assaults carried out by the Sudanese army in different areas. He added they inflected heavy losses on SAF troops in Abu Hashim, east of Kadugli and Daloka, located 10 km south to Kadugli.

The commander of 14th Infantry Division Maj. Gen. Bashir Maki Al-Bahi who toured the area with the governor pledged that by the end of December South Kordofan will be declared free of the insurgency completely.

General Bahi who lead the military operations in the troubled state said that the recent victories achieved by the army and are a strong motivation to move forward and impose government authority over every inch of the country.

He added that the rebels ran away and left behind a lot of documents that prove the involvement of the government of South Sudan and its support to the insurgency and attacks on parts of the state.

Sudanese and South Sudanese forces clashed this week for the first time since the independence of the latter last July. The fight took place after a series of accusation against each other of supporting the rebel groups in the two countries.

The bloody clashes also pointed the need to move faster in the demarcation of border between the two countries. Khartoum and Juba claim that Jau, on the border of Sudan’s South Kordfan with South Sudan’s Unity, is part of its territory.



  • omoni jr.
    omoni jr.

    Sudan pledges to declare South Kordofan free of rebels before the end of year
    What is the last time the fugitive becomes SAF spoke person in sudan? Most wanted man in the world is dreaming about the stability of S.K and BN.
    Mighty warriors SPLA-N are still alive and breathing in and out,you will smell your own shit in Omdurman or khartoum.

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    Sudan pledges to declare South Kordofan free of rebels before the end of year
    Prophet of Doom is the best-documented, most comprehensive, presentation of Islam’s five oldest and most reliable scriptural sources. Ishaq’s Biography of Muhammad, Tabari’s History of Islam, and Bukhari’s and Muslim’s Hadith, were used to reorder the Qur’an chronologically and to set its surahs into the context of Muhammad’s life. When this evidence is evaluated systematically, the only rational

  • Garang Abuk
    Garang Abuk

    Sudan pledges to declare South Kordofan free of rebels before the end of year
    Who Said that Jau is disputed? Jau is inside territory of South Sudan. We don’t want another problem of disputed piece of land and media should not even attempt to write that Jau is disputed. Stop mentioning that Jau is a disputed.

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    Sudan pledges to declare South Kordofan free of rebels before the end of year
    Contnue with realities about islamic evil

    conclusion is that Islam’s lone prophet was a ruthless terrorist, a mass-murderer, a thief, slave trader, rapist and pedophile.

  • Jong Anthony
    Jong Anthony

    Sudan pledges to declare South Kordofan free of rebels before the end of year
    that is impossible instead SPLA_N sector will soon control the whole Kordofan and Mr Haroun will soon face the justice with his political godfather president AlBashir

  • omoni jr.
    omoni jr.

    Sudan pledges to declare South Kordofan free of rebels before the end of year
    Dinka Dominated SPLA.
    hahahah,you made me laugh young man,
    kinda funny.

  • Logic

    Sudan pledges to declare South Kordofan free of rebels before the end of year

    You Haroun are a fake diluted wana-be-Arab, you will never drive us from our land. You are not even from S. Kurdofan. SPLA-N is everywhere and we could never surrender to your imposition of fake Arabism.

    The Nuba & Funj were once the great rulers of this great land, and by the will of Allah this glory will return while you fight amongst yourselves for the titles of who’s more Arab.

  • Sam.Eto

    Sudan pledges to declare South Kordofan free of rebels before the end of year
    Logic stop pretending to be something your not. We know exactly who you are and you infiltrate here and what you trying to do. Your nasty smell stinks and you low evil ways are known. Fool these naive folk – but we know you true colours and it aint black or muslim.

  • Logic

    Sudan pledges to declare South Kordofan free of rebels before the end of year
    Bashir came to power in 89 and claimed that S. Sudan rebels would be crushed in a matter of months, 22 yrs later S. Sudan with all its problems have the pride of ruling themselves.

    African Sudanese of N. Sudan will be patiently waiting and fighting for the time when we no longer have imperialist fake Arabs telling us who we are or that only the tribes Al-Shimaliya can rule Sudan.

  • Sam.Eto

    Sudan pledges to declare South Kordofan free of rebels before the end of year
    Who made you in charge of international borders ! or do you just take statements told to you by your corrupt government as facts.

    US Ambassador Susan Rice, “Is Jau in Sudan or South Sudan?”

    “It looks like it is in Sudan,” Rice said.

    Later on .. “I’d like to revise and extend my earlier remarks,” saying “the bottom line is nobody knows”.

  • Logic

    Sudan pledges to declare South Kordofan free of rebels before the end of year
    Of course Mr Eto

    I’m too intelligent to be a proud African Sudanese possibly also a Muslim who’s loyal to Allah and not Arabs, so I must be a Zionist infiltrator. right??….lol.lol.lol

    Maaan your kind makes me laugh, get your head out of your ass, perhaps then you could realize the atrocities committed in your name and religion.

  • Sam.Eto

    Sudan pledges to declare South Kordofan free of rebels before the end of year
    Look stop these insulting and malevolent messages your sending out. 3000 yrs who have infested, manipulated and divided peoples from behind the scene. Your hatred of Arabs stems from the moment god established Islam as the true religion and your peoples doomed.
    Arabs are a majority in Sudan – We aint going ANYWHERE fool.

  • SeekingTruth

    Sudan pledges to declare South Kordofan free of rebels before the end of year

  • Sam.Eto

    Sudan pledges to declare South Kordofan free of rebels before the end of year
    Malevolent, narcissistic, delusional, racist, Islam and Arab hating – yeah im pretty sure.

  • Logic

    Sudan pledges to declare South Kordofan free of rebels before the end of year

    Zionists: Israel is a Jewish state
    NCP: N. Sudan is an Islamic state
    Zionists: Drive the natives out (Palestinians) so they could never return
    NCP: Kill all the African Sudanese so to declare Sudan truly an Arab state


    Your likes are so busy blaming Zionists that your forget that your policies resembles their own. Sad, pathetic & indoctrinated, get an education.

  • Sam.Eto

    Sudan pledges to declare South Kordofan free of rebels before the end of year
    Analyze!!!! Your the one that needs direction

    Zionists: Israel is a Jewish state – Jewish as in race and not religion.

    NCP: N. Sudan is an Islamic state – The UK, Australia, America (here the candidates) claim to be Christian states and follow Judea-Christian values – whatever that means

  • Sam.Eto

    Sudan pledges to declare South Kordofan free of rebels before the end of year
    NCP: Kill all the African Sudanese so to declare Sudan truly an Arab state – WHAT A STUPID PATHETIC STATEMENT

    Half of Darfur, Blue Nile and Nuba are in Khartoum you devil ! We arent killing anyone its rebels we are fighting.
    But you – Oh yeah you are exterminating the Palestinians slowly – unlike what they did to you before

  • Logic

    Sudan pledges to declare South Kordofan free of rebels before the end of year
    Sam, your hatred for the Zionists have blinded you beyond redemption. There’re many good Jews who oppose what the Israeli government does to the Palestinians. do some research!

    Not once will you ever quote me as hating Muslims & Arabs but only speaking the truth against imperialists and oppressors regardless of their religion or ethnicity. Islam teaches that no man can be the master of another.

  • Sam.Eto

    Sudan pledges to declare South Kordofan free of rebels before the end of year
    There is a BIG difference between JEWS, ISRAEL and ZIONISTS. I NEVER mix them up. No connection what so ever !! But your the ones trying to confuse people and claim they are all the same.

  • Logic

    Sudan pledges to declare South Kordofan free of rebels before the end of year
    You’re truly brainwashed. Provide one official document that declares UK, US or Aussi as a Christian state, this is usually a descriptive label by historians or authors of religion.

    Insulting me won’t help your plight, ask the Darfurians what happened to their ppl in Omdurman after the May 2010 attack on the capital, You’re wrapped up in indoctrinated misinterpretation of religious politics.

  • Sam.Eto

    Sudan pledges to declare South Kordofan free of rebels before the end of year
    I can quote you 100 times – ST keeps the records.
    From the Crusades to the ‘exodus’ of “European Jews” – not direct descendents but converts – This war for control of the Holy land and Arab world and destruction of Islam in ongoing. South Sudan is only a small pawn in a much bigger plan. I think if you want to speak of imperialists and oppressors you are missing the big picture.

  • Logic

    Sudan pledges to declare South Kordofan free of rebels before the end of year
    Sam, I’ll stop here! Simply you’re not ready yet.

    I’ll leave you with one thought, Zionist didn’t exist 3,000 yrs ago but your claim of infestation could only be referring to Jews. Yet you claim of differentiating between them. lol.lol.lol

    Epitome of ignorance.

  • Sam.Eto

    Sudan pledges to declare South Kordofan free of rebels before the end of year

    Our National Flag could not better symbolise our language, the rule of law under the common law, our Judeo Christian values, leadership beyond politics through the Crown.

  • Sam.Eto

    Sudan pledges to declare South Kordofan free of rebels before the end of year
    I can go on all day and give you evidence. Hypocrisy stinks.
    Zionism existed since the Temple was destroyed and God forbid Jews to go back to the holy land. Many Jews accept this and we muslims respect them. But since then many have tried to go against gods will. So yes i know the difference.

  • Logic

    Sudan pledges to declare South Kordofan free of rebels before the end of year
    One cannot clean his neighbors house before his own.

    So the big picture picture of International bankers, greedy corporations and Western imperialists can only be secondary to the supremacists one has in his back yard. Get it!!!

    You people think you’re smart hence you lack the neutral analysis skills necessary to bring out the human in you. Not the Muslim or Arab, just the HUMANE side.

  • Sam.Eto

    Sudan pledges to declare South Kordofan free of rebels before the end of year
    Ha Ha Ha Ha … will call it a day ! Maybe another day another article.

  • Sir. Nostalgic
    Sir. Nostalgic

    Sudan pledges to declare South Kordofan free of rebels before the end of year
    Sum Eto’o is running crazy to the extent he puts wrong links or fake links. But let me Assure you Sam, you Northerners are going to face South Sudanese seriously because you lack respect for us really. There is no way, you attack our citizens across international border like that, however unless you finish us and you never see such happening again. I am sorry, and I wish SPLA army to continue.

  • Sam.Eto

    Sudan pledges to declare South Kordofan free of rebels before the end of year
    What are you illiterate ? What wrong links or fake links. Read it you fool !
    Inner City Press is reporting from the United Nations in New York, covering the UN Security Council, IMF, the UN Development Program, human rights and international law.

  • opoka charles otim
    opoka charles otim

    Sudan pledges to declare South Kordofan free of rebels before the end of year
    Ahmed Aroum,believes in seeing blood pour everyday. That’s why his name was too quick to follow Bashir’s name in the folder warrant of arrest by the ICC’s Maorino Ocampu.Ahroun will do it and his days are counting.

  • Deng II
    Deng II

    Sudan pledges to declare South Kordofan free of rebels before the end of year
    This fake Arab-Nuba governors become used to claen Arabs ass and doesn’t dream to free themselves from slave.
    Who say Islamic religion is God? It is just a terrorist devil religions. They lied that Jau is thier area but they never sleep and fart on it.
    Arabs know that Kiir is a weak president so if they captured any South sudan territories they claim its. The war with Arab will take some years.

  • Force 1
    Force 1

    Sudan pledges to declare South Kordofan free of rebels before the end of year
    Logic, you’re a smart man, remember, I don’t know you and so to Sam.Eto, but base on both of your exchang of your ideological point of views, you came up on top brilliantly. Remember the saying “don’t argue the fool, the people might not notice the different”.

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