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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan celebrates Global Anti-Corruption Day

December 9, 2011 (BOR/KAMPALA) – South Sudan celebrated anti-corruption day on Friday as the world’s newest nation continues to struggle to address the issue, which is crippling efforts to develop the region, which has seen decades of conflict and lack of investment.

Since former rebels the SPLM came to power in 2005 peace deal, no official has been charged with corruption despite it being acknowledged as a major problem.

The South Sudan Anti-Corruption Commission (SSACC) has never arrested or charged a single individual with corruption. Billions of dollars are believed to have been stolen in just one government project to provide grain to at risk communities during food shortages.


Thousands of people turnout in Jonglei state to celebrate the Globa Anti-Corruption Day in Bor freedom square, with school children performing traditional dances. Primary school students read a poem challenging Jonglei state to tackle the issue.

Addressing the gathering in Bor Freedom square, Jonglei Acting Governor Hussien Maar Nyuot, said corruption enemy that had ro be addressed by the community, the state and Juba lawmakers.

Maar said that liberation from corruption could be achieved by monitoring of funds allocation and development delivery.

However, Jonglei state chairperson of the anti-corruption commission, Daniel Deng Kut, ensured public that new transitional constitution of the Republic of the South Sudan has given the SSAC powers to prosecute and to investigate corruption.

Deng said corruption was evil and urged the public not to tolerate it.

The poem read by students from Bor Girls primary school criticised government officials for being guilty of corruption and said young people had lost confidence in their leaders after the government did not keeps it promise from the 2010 election to provide clean drinking water and good roads.

“Thousands of promises are not being fulfilled by government leaders … We have voted you into power and now you are enjoying V8 car with full air condition. You left us suffering under trees classroom. We are still drinking the dirty water which you have promise to change if you are elected by us. We are sitting on ground without chairs or good teaching” said Kueirot, a student.

After hearing the poem governor Maar said he was speechless as all his points were raised by in the poem. The council of ministers will organise special sessions for all primary school and all churches to present their poems in present of all ministers and Directors general from various ministries.

“These poems have touched my dream and I believed all ministers to take note of this power criticism” said the governor.


Western Equatoria state joined the rest of the world to commemorate the United Nations convention on human rights and world anti-corruption day in the state capital Yambio on Friday.

Addressing the joint event, the governor of Western Equatoria State Bangasi Joseph Bakosoro asked human rights activists to explain to the public the meaning of human rights in the African context.

A message from the United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon was read to the public on the importance of the human rights convection.

Governor Bakosoro said citizens had taken the human rights issue in the context of the Western world, which did not correspond with African culture.

“When you mix children right[s] in the Western context and African context it is controversial,” he said.

Governor Bakosoro added that in African culture children could be corrected by lashing, which they understand better than verbal warnings.


This year’s event was celebrated under the theme “Zero tolerance to corruption-free Republic of South Sudan.”

The occasion was coloured with marching, parades by schools and organised forces and both local artists and traditional dancers.

Bakosoro said, corruption in terms of embezzlement of public funds and employment procedures was s everywhere in South Sudan.

The governor called upon the government officials to employ staff based on there aptitude and not by tribal and family affiliations.

The chair person of the state anti corruption commission Simon Ngbiidigi announced that 20 cases of corruption were under investigation in Western Equatoria and would be prosecuted irrespective of who they are.

He added that the commission is going to administer wealth declaration forms that will be completed by senior civil person and constitutional post holders in the state and across the nation.

“Absence of accountability is the first evidence of bad governance today we are here to promote the ideas of public accountability, which is a concept deeply rooted in political powers and democracy, so we must up root it to ensure we live in dignity for better generations to come,” he stressed.

The chairperson urged all people to be vigilant in the fight against corruption in the state as it hampers development in the state.

Ngbiidigi also encouraged the business community to refrain from selling expired goods to people and avoid cheating of customers.



  • BM Bol
    BM Bol

    South Sudan celebrates Global Anti-Corruption Day
    I don’t want to spoil your celebration, nor do I want to sound too pessimistic but the ROSS leadership is corrupted to the core. South Sudan is synonymous these days with corruption, undeveloped & hunger. Actions speak launder than words.

  • Sundayw

    South Sudan celebrates Global Anti-Corruption Day
    Corrupt regime celebrating anti-corruption..what charade. What’s next? Hyena celebrating peace with sheep? Salva Kiir has really done damage to his legacy by allowing Bhar-el Ghazel have a run at the country’s wealth. This people are moving money to Kenya and other countries at a pace that will bankrupt South. When they are done stealing they will move abroad and let South sink into abyss.

  • Mzalendo Mwema
    Mzalendo Mwema

    South Sudan celebrates Global Anti-Corruption Day
    Dear Kueirot,

    You have done a wonderful job,Kueirot and I have really appreciated H.E Maar Nyuot for his response.All Kueirot has said in the poem are relevant to our current situations but Kueirot has left out the issue of MURLE. G.O.S.S leaders must distribute those helicopters to ten states if security is their priority.

  • Paul

    South Sudan celebrates Global Anti-Corruption Day
    common! Really????????????????

  • $ 10,000,000
    $ 10,000,000

    South Sudan celebrates Global Anti-Corruption Day
    Please name all the 13 corrupt ministers right away. Could any patriotic South Sudanese name the 13 motherfuckers and thieves?

  • $ 10,000,000
    $ 10,000,000

    South Sudan celebrates Global Anti-Corruption Day
    Please name all the 13 corrupt ministers right away. Could any patriotic South Sudanese name the 13 motherfuckers and thieves?

  • $ 10,000,000
    $ 10,000,000

    South Sudan celebrates Global Anti-Corruption Day
    Please name all the 13 corrupt ministers right away. Could any patriotic South Sudanese name the 13 motherfuckers and thieves?

  • Land-of-Cush

    South Sudan celebrates Global Anti-Corruption Day
    When the head has corrupted the tail will corrupt too.
    If no one can bring the head to the book the tail can enjoyed the most. The South Sudan Anti-Corruption Commission will celebrate anti-corruption day. But this is significantly a part of wasting money as they had achieve nothing yet.

  • J P Puok
    J P Puok

    South Sudan celebrates Global Anti-Corruption Day
    To be honest with you my pple, I see no point at all celebrating this day. It should remain as football world cup qualificatoin that we have not participated in yet since we are not qualified to. fighting or promoting corruption events! leave us alone.

  • man to man
    man to man

    South Sudan celebrates Global Anti-Corruption Day
    Dear All,

    I`m from Bhar-el-Ghazel, my mother, brothers and sisters are still under Rakouba, father killed while fighting to librate the south. .the most people who are poor and dying of hunger are from that area.Those Bhar-el-Ghazeliens who are sending thier kids and money to Kenya, were injoining good life in Khartoum, US and it is the gvt of ROSS who is corrupte not the people of B

  • Daniel Buolmawei
    Daniel Buolmawei

    South Sudan celebrates Global Anti-Corruption Day
    Anti-Corruption program is just a symbol in South Sudan. Here’s the list of 16 most corrupt southern sudanese leaders:

    1- Arthur Akuein Chol $51 millions
    2- Salva Kiir $ 38 millions
    3- Malong Awan $ 36 millions

    The list goes on unto the last man Daniel Awet Akot with $5 million. What are we celebrating here? This is a tragedy.

  • rossbelongstoall

    South Sudan celebrates Global Anti-Corruption Day
    This must be a joke.. a very bad joke.

  • Xeno

    South Sudan celebrates Global Anti-Corruption Day
    0000-tolerance in Kiirdit’s dictionary means looting money for the poor…hahaha….

  • agwait majok
    agwait majok

    South Sudan celebrates Global Anti-Corruption Day
    It very ncis when the country president become a corrution but I don’t thing so it trut becuause the president Salva kiir his the persion who have access to build their country who is south Sudan the all citeznship of country are alway apply for him. We have some of anty corruption.

  • Daniel Buolmawei
    Daniel Buolmawei

    South Sudan celebrates Global Anti-Corruption Day
    Believe me bro Majok. Even the Kuol Manyang Juuk, the one most of us thought to be least corrupt among our leaders has alleged to stole $15 millions. Wait the United States government will put out this list very soon we most will surprise. James Wani Iga has stole $21 millions according to the list. All these moneys are found in their personal acounts worldwide. The money added up to closely-con

  • Daniel Buolmawei
    Daniel Buolmawei

    South Sudan celebrates Global Anti-Corruption Day
    and nearly $500 million dollars. Here’s the list:
    1. Arthur Akuein Chol $51 millions
    2. Salva Kiir Mayardit $38 millions
    3. Riek Machar Teny $36 millions
    4. Gier Chuong Aluong $36 millions
    5. Kuol Athiaan $30 millions
    6. Malong Awan Anei $30 millions. I was wrong to report him as having $36 millions yesterday. My apology.
    7. Deng Alor Koul $28 millions
    Let continue—-

  • Daniel Buolmawei
    Daniel Buolmawei

    South Sudan celebrates Global Anti-Corruption Day
    8. Gen. Obote Mamur Mete $27 millions
    9. Dr. Majak Agoot Atem $27 millions
    10. Pagan Amuom Okiech $25 millions
    11. James Wani Igga $21 millions
    12. Taban Deng Gai $20 millions
    13. Kuol Manyang Juuk $15 millions
    14. Clement Wani Kona $15 millions
    15. James Hoth Mai $15 millions
    16. Daniel Awet Akot $5 millions.

    Plus con–

  • Daniel Buolmawei
    Daniel Buolmawei

    South Sudan celebrates Global Anti-Corruption Day
    money saved in their African bank accounts that the US Government has no accesses but being shielded by their African corrupt counterparts. Plus other corrupt officials who never saved their money in the western banks and are yet to be discovered. This is a heartbreaking, if not, a disasterous issue affecting South Sudanese.

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