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Sudan Tribune

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South Kordofan’s governor survives assassination attempt

December 09, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – The governor of South Kordofan state Ahmed Haroun has escaped an attempt on his life by elements of the rebels Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N), according to local press reports.

South Kordofan's governor Ahmed Haroun
South Kordofan’s governor Ahmed Haroun
The assassination attempt was carried out during Haroun’s visit on Thursday to the remote area of Alatmor which was retaken earlier in the week by the Sudanese army from the SPLM-N.

Lt-Gen Al-Sawarmi Khalid, the official spokesman of the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF), said that SPLM-N forces had attempted to disrupt Haroun’s visit and re-occupy the area. He claimed that SAF had managed to repulse the attack and withdraw Haroun to a safe area.

Confirming the attempt, Haroun told the Arabic daily newspaper Al-Sudani on Thursday that the incident was “insignificant” and he was not harmed.

Later on Friday, while addressing Friday prayer sermon in South Kordofan’s capital of Kadugli, Haroun said that the state’s population should not heed the rumors “mongered by the fifth column,” adding that beaten forces tend to resort to rumors in order to “terrorize” citizens and threaten their security.

In his address, Haroun said that the recent defeats incurred by rebel forces in the areas of Toroge, Buhiyrat al-Ubayid and Alatmor had sent a clear message that SAF along with the Central Reserve Police and Popular Defense Forces, a paramilitary group, are capable of striking at their headquarters.

South Kordofan’s conflict has recently gained in intensity following the end of the rainy season as both sides claimed victory in a number of confrontations.

The SPLM-N remains in control of three localities, the Heiban, Boram, and Um Durein whereas SAF took control of other areas earlier in the week.

Haroun reiterated claims that SPLM-N was receiving support from the government of Southern Sudan, saying this was evidenced by the documents they found in the areas that were retaken by SAF.

Fighting erupted this week between forces of Sudan and those of South Sudan for the first time since the latter’s declaration of independence in July. The clashes took place in the disputed town of Jau which was occupied by Sudanese forces amid unconfirmed reports that South Sudan retook the area on Thursday evening.

Jau, which lies on the borders between South Kordofan and Unity State in South Sudan, used to be the base of SPLM-N Nuba fighters when they were part of South Sudan’s army, the SPLA, prior to the outbreak of South Kordofan’s conflict in June.


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