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Sudan Tribune

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Machar calls on Jongei state communities to stop violent conflicts

December 15, 2011 (JUBA) – The vice president of South Sudan, Riek Machar, has called on the communities in Jonglei state to stop their violent conflicts.

Machar made the appeal on Thursday in Juba following reports that a revenge attack was under way against the Murle ethnic group, by Lou-Nuer and Greater Bor communities.

Riek Machar (Reuters)
Riek Machar (Reuters)
The cycle of violence in the state has intensified over the last six years resulting in the deaths of thousands of people every year, coupled with attacks from the forces of renegade George Athor.

He urged the Lou-Nuer and Dinka communities not to carry out revenge attacks against the Murle.

Machar urged “the people of Lou-Nuer, Twic East, Duk and Bor South not to move beyond their borders in trying to carry out revenge attack against the Murle community.”

Machar also called on the Murle community to release the children and women they abducted from the Lou-Nuer and Dinka communities.

He said the national government was consulting the state government to find ways to revive the reconciliatory processes among the communities.

He explained that the government will deploy more Sudan People’s Liberation Army troops and police forces to the volatile areas, to deter revenge attacks and create buffer zones between rival communities.



  • J P Puok
    J P Puok

    Machar calls on Jongei state communities to stop violent conflicts
    Disarm Murle intensively as Late Deng Aguang did to Taposa during the liberation struggle. Murle are wild beast in human flesh and so do Lou-Nuer to some extend. Bor Dinka are just victim backbiters who will never come up and attack others unncessarily which some time good. But gossiping harm than frank speaking. put a full bregade of SPLA in Pibor afterall SPLA had choppers assign one to murle!

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    Machar calls on Jongei state communities to stop violent conflicts
    You have said the good words but i am doubt that so celled murle will listern to you.
    Murle are just like parasite who live by sucking other’s people’s blood. this small and smell drity murle must be wipped out of South Sudan for peace to prevail. i hop those Bor and Lou are reall going there because there is no treatment apart from revange.

  • Gueth Bidok
    Gueth Bidok

    Machar calls on Jongei state communities to stop violent conflicts
    Wa, ga ruac ?m? dära thu??k i?di?? L?w Nuer k?n? Bor ca dör mi? t?t dä nyuak ?k?n dial. Du? d? ni ?öö Riäk Maca?r la ruac ni? j?n ba? kä ca min latd? läth lät.

    L?w, together with Bor cannot attack Jäb? cause it’s not fair. South Sudanese need Jäb?. I understand their pain but let’s just pray God to stop the killing going on in South

    What I said in Nuer is not what I said in English

  • Diu J.Kuek
    Diu J.Kuek

    Machar calls on Jongei state communities to stop violent conflicts
    Dr Machar is absolutely right for his meassage to Lou Nuer and Dinka Bor Communities against Murle community if such comprehensive campaign is carry out by those two majors communities will results to genocide which is unacceptable the need to stop this cycle conflicts all securities organs from state and central Govts should take acton how to control such crimes retributive theory is not solution

  • Chagai Lokuno Bai
    Chagai Lokuno Bai

    Machar calls on Jongei state communities to stop violent conflicts
    I dont believe these communities are waging conflict against wild Murle.I personally authorised these communities to give any lttle disciplinary action to Murle. This community should not be treated like a part of state or country. The Murle turn to be enemy of s.sudan. All trocities caused by Murle tribe are shifted by some people to Athor leaving Murle not escapegoat of the disaster in the State

  • Green

    Machar calls on Jongei state communities to stop violent conflicts
    Just to called communities to ease fighting without govt action Mr. Vice president is not working! I dont think there is nation-state on earth, who manged their security without deterrance! sitting and making no decision is part of public policy! this failure of govt of s.sudan, it look like atactic. Millitary is there but no one want to deploy them and no investigation? what is going on realy?

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    Machar calls on Jongei state communities to stop violent conflicts
    We ve had enough about nuer people leave alone their useless language. who will listen to that language of gangster of SSA of Khartoum back missionaries. who would be bother to read your fucken crab nuer traitor language? may be use for SSA who they teach with that hopeless language.
    Death to nuer nyagateen.

  • Green

    Machar calls on Jongei state communities to stop violent conflicts
    @ chagai!
    you are, i dont think nuer lou, and D Bor, these communities has never attack murl in the first place. murle attack in D Bor land, is more than thousand times! what is the rational in this case? the govt has to stand up n disccipline murle! kidnaping kids, it is the worse humanilation in history, but we are black so we are not capable for our issues! We need UN force for everything

  • Green

    Machar calls on Jongei state communities to stop violent conflicts
    Do you know what cause the genocide in rwanda in 1994? it was not a political, it was misbehave,to perpetuate peace like in the way Murle are doing in s.sudan! when people respect peace and boundaries, you use that as weakness against that group! What is legitimate case for murle to terrorized others like this? poverty is across s.sudan, not only in murle! they cant used it as an execuses!

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    Machar calls on Jongei state communities to stop violent conflicts
    Don’t lie Riek. you are the one causing this tribal war due to your power greediness.
    there is no peace where you are in south Sudan. tribal leader.
    death to you.

  • Yanga Wani
    Yanga Wani

    Machar calls on Jongei state communities to stop violent conflicts
    Criminals Murle let the innocent murle suffer in the hands of two communities Nuer & Dinka. The only solution is to take BOL MADUT BACK TO BUMA, he knows how to deal with criminal murles. Because not all murle are criminals.
    Yanga Wani

  • Yanga Wani
    Yanga Wani

    Machar calls on Jongei state communities to stop violent conflicts
    I also suggest it is be good idea for Dinka bor & nuer to unit very strongly and clean all those rebels in your state and capture Athor and then go after criminal murles. TO do that you will free enough.


  • Generation

    Machar calls on Jongei state communities to stop violent conflicts
    Mr Machar, Your government fail to protects the citizens of Jonglei, remember you and your President will one time beg for their vote, Murle are minority and should not threaten the security of the entire country. please stay away from the affairs of Jonglei because you know the root cause of all problem.where were you after murle attack and kill innocent children and women, old men.

  • Gueth Bidok
    Gueth Bidok

    Machar calls on Jongei state communities to stop violent conflicts
    Dude, I am curious as to where you get that hatred gense. Why you hate Nuer so much? Who are you and are you a normal person or are you a mental ill person? Your hatred won’t take you no where believe me bro. Remember that you need Nuer in your life becuase they get you out of your slavery just like they did last July. CIE LING?

  • Isaac Khamis
    Isaac Khamis

    Machar calls on Jongei state communities to stop violent conflicts
    Murle populations is about 105,000 people compared to 600,000 of Lou Nuer, Bor 222,000,Twice East 90,000 and 66,000 which Murle have been Attacking them over a years but when they try to response then the so call Riek try to intervene and those communities but fail to stop Murle.

    last week murle have attack Bor twices and fighting is ongoing since yeserday between murle and Duk Youths.

  • Man manning
    Man manning

    Machar calls on Jongei state communities to stop violent conflicts
    @ Riek Machar(Black Trouble),there have been repeated cases of kidnapping,cattle raiding,killing and many more disgraceful attacks by MURLEI on the other tribes in Jonglei.Where were you Man? stop alienation/collaboration/betrayal and egotism!!!! others are suffering and you are driving on V8 land-cruiser.Leave Jonglei State alone and go ahead with your national government(ROSS) DR.i beg!!!

  • Diu J.Kuek
    Diu J.Kuek

    Machar calls on Jongei state communities to stop violent conflicts
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M Pleas know what you are talking about this chronic conflicts between Jonglei communities it was there since the creation even Dr Riek Machar Teny was not born please don,t speake falsely to the public respect the readers and commentators of the web. just let us look for creditable solution which may bring a lasting peace to these communities.

  • SSLA/M Supporter
    SSLA/M Supporter

    Machar calls on Jongei state communities to stop violent conflicts
    First and foremost, I must apologize to Sudan Tribune commentators who might have been disgusted by the abusive language I used to use in my previous comments, in retaliation to the unmannerly or rude comments I received and still receiving from Mr paranoid Omoni jr, of chimpanzee species that have yet been touched by the evolution, we human beings have under gone since the Darwinian time…cont

  • sober

    Machar calls on Jongei state communities to stop violent conflicts
    Sudan People’s Liberation Army troops and police forces are going to play their nasty role in the area again and again. Machar has nothing to do but (urge, call and consulting).people burn alive, home turned to ashes, children and women abducted. Please Machar (urge, call and consult) louder and louder.

  • SSLA/M Supporter
    SSLA/M Supporter

    Machar calls on Jongei state communities to stop violent conflicts
    Unfortunately, the chimpanzee family of Omoni Jr remain as a chimps and thus needs some speech therapy so that Omoni jr chimpanzee family can communicate with us before any attempt to civilize them and other omoni apes species! Sorry again for inconvenience! Mr Omoni and his Chimpanzee family are very lucky indeed to have been discovered by the Muslims of Sudan who fear God;..cont

  • SSLA/M Supporter
    SSLA/M Supporter

    Machar calls on Jongei state communities to stop violent conflicts
    If they were discovered by the European colonisers in SS they would have been taken to zoo in Europe or USA where they can be used for exhibition to generate cash! as their IQs are very low given to their small apes brain size,they can’t be used as slaves because they can’t comprehend instructions given by humans! Dr Reik Machar!! it’s impossible to civilize SPLA/M chimpanzees,like omoni jr chimps

  • Ajok Garang
    Ajok Garang

    Machar calls on Jongei state communities to stop violent conflicts
    Riak is right but i don’t don’t where the security was during the time of Murle killing children and women in Bor … me i just allwow the two communities to invade murle b,se they love war morethan peace…the only problem of Jonglei is murle who don’t produce but survive on p’ple like parasite.


    Machar calls on Jongei state communities to stop violent conflicts
    heee….i wonder how com from the government of goss get the information that Nuer-lou and Bor n not the fist one?

  • Aristotle

    Machar calls on Jongei state communities to stop violent conflicts
    @ Riak(destruction)when did u realize living in peace is good,it is u who set Jonglei and ze whole South Sudan apart,u let Athor,Gadet n many others deserted the army in order to fight for u so that u become president of SS before independence,now that u failed,u called for peace wth out good strategies,that fire in jonglei was set by u,none cant extinguish it.hw can a killer advise another killer

  • Ahmed Chol
    Ahmed Chol

    Machar calls on Jongei state communities to stop violent conflicts

    Riek put this information out just to show his support to Murle who killed innocent children and women last week. It is reported that the attackers are operating under his guidance through Ismael Konyi and will come back anytime.
    When Lou fought with Murle, why didn’t Riek say anything?
    Why starting condemning Bor for being peaceful instead of condemning Murle.
    Ahmed Cho

  • Nguetbuny de Luelpiny
    Nguetbuny de Luelpiny

    Machar calls on Jongei state communities to stop violent conflicts
    Hi Brothers Murlei were used to be good people before Anyanya I. Murlei were anger after Bor people still there Catles ago.
    They buy cattles with Kustian(Domian as money) Bor selling theirs children murlei and farents would come with cort that their child was abducted. AnyanyI,Anyany II Strength Murlei against revenge against Bor Nuer. Murlei were good people but angers by mistreatment,Anyanya

  • Kim Deng
    Kim Deng

    Machar calls on Jongei state communities to stop violent conflicts

    Why attack the very tiny Murle community as a join forces instead of dealing with them separately? The Lou Nuer Warriors did not and will never ask for join offensive with coward Jaang/Slaves against very tiny Murle becuse they are capable of dealing with Murle unlike coward Jaang/Slaves.

  • Jtomorrow

    Machar calls on Jongei state communities to stop violent conflicts
    If the news did circulate in Juba about Dinka Bor and Lou Nuer to attack Murle in return then why there is no news about Murle attacking those tribes mentioned above? This Murle thing is been there for a long time but Dinka put peace first else Murle would have not existed if Dinka are not peace loving people.

  • Jtomorrow

    Machar calls on Jongei state communities to stop violent conflicts
    Kim, your contribution on this site doesn’t help so shut up!

  • Daniel Buolmawei
    Daniel Buolmawei

    Machar calls on Jongei state communities to stop violent conflicts
    Why exactly Reik Machar called when Lou-Nuer and Greater Bor communities were attacked, he kept silent? Reik really still has malicious intention against these communities whom he brought disasters upon them in 1991. Murlei killed thousands of persons in Greater Bor and Lou-Nuer, but Reik didn’t call in such a tone until now. You Reik Machar and Kuol Manyang, you are no longer our Upper Nile sons

  • Daniel Buolmawei
    Daniel Buolmawei

    Machar calls on Jongei state communities to stop violent conflicts
    We disown you, period. I think our brothers in Lou-Nuer and Bor communities will agree with me.

  • Green

    Machar calls on Jongei state communities to stop violent conflicts
    Part of what you had siad had political impact when we were still under the khartoum govt! this term called, “it is tradition” between Bor/Lou/ murle, was invented by the khartoum govt whom they didnt care much to solve our problems in s.sudan. But now, thing change, it’s our govt, so do our govt still to called this threat as tradition?khartoum didnt care back for our issues!

  • watchdog-alanilson

    Machar calls on Jongei state communities to stop violent conflicts
    The Voice of the vice-president is exactly how a voice a true leader might sound. Riek is aware of how the North and the south sudan trying to destray Ala-nil foundation through political manuevering. Jongeli is the stronger force in the whole South Sudan in term warriars and great thinkers, and the only way to finish them is to turn them against each other. Youth and intelectuals must be careful

  • Elijah B. Elkan
    Elijah B. Elkan

    Machar calls on Jongei state communities to stop violent conflicts
    Mr. Isaac Khamis,

    I believe your figures are wrong. Where did you get these figures?.

    1. Murle populations is less than 35,000.
    3. Nuer’s are the second larges tribe in south Sudan.
    3. Nuer population is only around 87,000.
    4. According to you, the entire Nuer population is 988.000, were did you come up 118.000 Nuer people?.

  • Lok T Simon
    Lok T Simon

    Machar calls on Jongei state communities to stop violent conflicts
    Dear Southerners,

    The Jonglei state problem will give everyone in Sothern Sudan headach. So the only solution for Jonglei problem is removing Koul M Juuk from governorship and gives that post to one of Pibor or anyone else within Jonglei state. If government does that, the problem will stop I am sure and optimistic.

  • Wen De David Kuol
    Wen De David Kuol

    Machar calls on Jongei state communities to stop violent conflicts
    Leave the Vice President alone. Talking’s and yet genocide being carried out by Murle youth led by Ismail Konyi (Sultant) and Akot Mize( former Commissioner), and Fool Pastor called Yaw Yaw David!!!! What is happening is total failure of Juba to maintain Security the Country. How come we Have Army ( Division 8)of SPLA in Jonglei State and helping Civilians in Protection. Murle should have been dis

  • Wen De David Kuol
    Wen De David Kuol

    Machar calls on Jongei state communities to stop violent conflicts
    . Murle should have been disarmed immediately but yet they just moving in Jungle with their Penile extend to their feet. Murle took advantage of absent of Law. Most Important Jonglei NEED ROADS which was ignore by Vice President since CPA was signedin 2005. JOnglei remain most remote area, in return for Forgive of his Human right Crime and crime against humanity committed by Machar Militia. Commu

  • Wen De David Kuol
    Wen De David Kuol

    Machar calls on Jongei state communities to stop violent conflicts
    Hi Lok,

    Who told you that the Problem is removing Leaders like Gov.Kuol, this is Not Power struggle. this is just hatred and Murle behavior of agression.

    Even the Huaman right person in Jonglei was talking carelessly about division of State into Many States. This will not stop Murle behavior of child abduction and killings innocent people.what do Murle want, they have a county,what is it for

  • Matiop Panchol
    Matiop Panchol

    Machar calls on Jongei state communities to stop violent conflicts
    OOh finally, the South Sudan leaders are waking up from their snooze and hangovers, lazily urging the communities to stop fighting. Can we please get some clear strategies on how to deal with this problems? Just sending in the army and police forces is good but not enough. The government needs to come with some clear and strategic programs to unite these communities. Why is Konyi silent?

  • JohnGarangFreedom

    Machar calls on Jongei state communities to stop violent conflicts
    I am Dr. John Garang de Mabior Atem. During the movement I was using Dinka Bor tribe identity as political tools. I am totally 100% Dinka Twic tribe of the Greater Upper Nile. I speak my loving Dinka Twi dialect where I have pronunciations issue sometimes these two letters: “L & N.” If I am truly Dinka Bor person I will not have problem in pronunciations of those letters.

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