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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan joins Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative

December 16, 2011 (JUBA) — The newly founded Republic of South Sudan on Friday said it joined Extractive Industries Initiative, two days after President Salva Kiir Mayardit pledged to improve accountability and transparency in order to foster growth and reduce poverty.

The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) is an international body that works to promote transparency in resource-rich countries through the “verification and full publication of company payments and government revenues from oil, gas and mining.”

Prior to becoming a member of the Extractive Industries Initiative, South Sudan has to establish a Freedom of Information Law, which ensures public access to government records. Since becoming an independent nation from the Sudan, the new state has not been able to pass a media law raising fears how the members of the public would access information.

Reacting to the decision taken by the government to join the world’s body, the head of United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan on Friday said welcomed the commitment of the government to join the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative.

“This step is one of the important measures to improve governance announced by the government during the International Engagement Conference in Washington, D.C”; said a statement bearing the signature of the Special Representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations seen by Sudan Tribune on Friday reads in part.

The government has also announced a presidential decree which will oblige government officials to declare their assets and prohibit their involvement in private business while in office. These initiatives build on the five anti-corruption commitments made by the president after the formation of the Republic’s first government in September 2011.

Hilde F. Johnson, Special Representative of the Secretary General said the government has underlined its strong commitment to fight corruption and rapidly build institutions. These are bold decisive steps that will put the government on the right footing and attract investors.

“The South Sudanese have struggled for years to win their freedom. The key now is to provide the dividends of peace to the population. This involves expanding the economy, helping children to attend school, building roads, and improving health care. Conferences like the one being held in Washington help to consolidate necessary international support,” she further stressed.



  • Oduko

    South Sudan joins Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative
    Kiir is enemy peace not only in south but Sudan and continent of Africa… marks my words

  • George Bol
    George Bol

    South Sudan joins Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative
    I have just respected you knowing nothing during your school period. I think the only thing that you is know are alphabetical letters and nothing else.Unfortunately, you have wasted you spare time for nothing. You should be the master of gossiping than wasting time on the net. You might be militia from Cholo. Thanks

  • Sonofthesoil

    South Sudan joins Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative
    Good step Mr. president but words should be made practical other wise better silence. We have not seen a top official brought into books because of corruption. All are faithful servants?

  • Oduko

    South Sudan joins Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative


  • BM Bol
    BM Bol

    South Sudan joins Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative
    I am always critical of Kiir slowness or inability to crack down on corruption, but this is a positive step that should be applauded. I know Kiir is a very leveled head person and he wouldn’t want his name to go down in history associated with corruption. Good job Mr. President!!

  • SeekingTruth

    South Sudan joins Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative

  • Leave Us Alone
    Leave Us Alone

    South Sudan joins Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative
    Thomas Sankara: A selfless and incorruptible leader with a proud legacy.In just 4 years He was able to lift his people out of poverty. He built railway, produced wheat, built schools and provided clean drinking water for his people. He left behind a tiny mud hut


  • Yanga Wani
    Yanga Wani

    South Sudan joins Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative
    Dear Oduko, why don’t you just join Khartoum there is food there. One more thing, you and your dummy leader (Athor) never try to come to greater Equatoria; you run with four legs. I hate weak hearts people who are only looking for food.


  • Yanga Wani
    Yanga Wani

    South Sudan joins Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative
    Dear Oduko, why don’t you just join Khartoum there is food there. One more thing, you and your dummy leader (Athor) never try to come to greater Equatoria; you run with four legs. I hate weak hearts people who are only looking for food.


  • Leave Us Alone
    Leave Us Alone

    South Sudan joins Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative
    “Yet count him not as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother”. 2 Thessalonians 3:15

  • Abyei Soil
    Abyei Soil

    South Sudan joins Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative
    Point of correction!!!
    You say Leave Me Alone. Don’t generalize. Whatever you’re thinkin’ is not with me not with others, but it is you alone.

  • Akuma

    South Sudan joins Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative
    President Salva Kiir is moving the country in rightfull direction at this time, I Should appreciate him for that. Whatever rebels says by now is a kind of wastage of resources and delay of the country toward full recovery from long civil war of sudan through social, economic and political development. You delay it we dismissed you rebels.

  • J P Puok
    J P Puok

    South Sudan joins Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative
    When fool keeps quite, pple confuse him for an intellectual. Why talking so much when little come out of that too much talk? Action louder than words they claimed. Hope words will be reflected into action this time around. God bless us bcse with time the egg will walk ! take the minister of information’s words “we are only 6 yrs child” let break glasses but ones beaten twice shy i challenge the Ho

  • Akuma

    South Sudan joins Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative
    You’re right man, fool do understand things after long explanation. When we finish our higher level for education, you know what they do? One question is asked here, explain by lecturer- then the same question gonna be asked over there again giving the fact that it has been explained correctly.

  • Akuma

    South Sudan joins Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative
    Those who are not yet understood the little push that has been given to the country South Sudan for the last six years of the interim period should organize a conference of accountability and inclusiveness governance to be explained to them and I must to be there if you want long explanation.

  • Simon Peter Wal
    Simon Peter Wal

    South Sudan joins Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative
    Yang..please don’t waste your precious time commenting on oduko’s posts for he doesn’t know what he’s talking about..lets reflect the brighter page of those who fought for us during the struggle and specially those who contributed so that we are a NATION.

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