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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

South Sudan rebels abductees describe South Kordofan ordeal

By Bonifacio Taban Kuich

December 19, 2011 (BENTIU) – Two South Sudanese described their forcible recruitment by the rebel South Sudan Liberation Army (SSLA) in Khartoum and escape from South Kordofan, in an interview with Sudan Tribune on Monday.

Escapees, Michael Latjor Gai and Gatbeal Tap Chuol, December, 19, 2011 (ST)
Escapees, Michael Latjor Gai and Gatbeal Tap Chuol, December, 19, 2011 (ST)
Michael Latjor Gai and Gatbeal Tap Chuol claim they were abducted by armed members of the SSLA on 15 November while working as merchants in Safer Sherik, Khartoum.

The SSLA are a rebel group operating predominantly in Unity state. The South Sudan army spokesperson described them as “mercenaries” of Khartoum, an allegation potentially corroborated by the findings of a Small Arms Survey report published in October.

Gai said on 18 November they were put on a bus to the rebel base in Nyama, South Kordofan with 44 fellow South Sudanese in Omdurman.

Gai described escaping after 21 days of detention, only to fall into the hands of herders who they paid, via cash transfer by relaitves in Khartoum, for their release. They then made their way to a South Sudan army base in Kaykang.

The abductees claim many South Sudanese in Khartoum have been forcibly recruited by the SSLA for military training in South Kordofan.

Last week the Unity State speaker appealed to UN and the international community to intervene and condemn the brutal activities of Sudan government against the people of South Sudan.

South Kordofan, which borders Unity state in neighboring South Sudan, is the site of an ongoing conflict between North Sudan’s forces and rebels which Khartoum claims are supported by Juba.



  • George Bol
    George Bol

    South Sudan rebels abductees describe South Kordofan ordeal
    SSLA is a curse to Nuer in Unity state. The supporter of Angelina who is now enjoying while the rest are dying like flies should be condemned in a strong term. Why are you following self-centered blind? now Peter Gatdet is also enjoying while the rest are thinking about Dinka domination! What ashamed!

  • omoni jr.
    omoni jr.

    South Sudan rebels abductees describe South Kordofan ordeal
    The federal government in Juba has already designated SSLA as terrorist organization,therefore must be deal with a full force which meets terrorists standard.

  • Oduko

    South Sudan rebels abductees describe South Kordofan ordeal
    They been paid to laid to Media by Juba government and this tactic is well known to kiir. what a president yesterday he spent alot $$$ to kill athor and now paid poor South sudanese to liar on Media..! this is another kind of his uneducated thinking.

  • Oduko

    South Sudan rebels abductees describe South Kordofan ordeal
    SSLA is ready to stay in jungle for years even 50 years to come we are ready to die for peace to take place. Athor will rule just one day I promise.

  • confusing youths by confusing leaders
    confusing youths by confusing leaders

    South Sudan rebels abductees describe South Kordofan ordeal
    Welcome in peace my dear brothers God is great, who have not intended to kill your own people without aims.


  • Alfredo christiani
    Alfredo christiani

    South Sudan rebels abductees describe South Kordofan ordeal
    Oduko or whatever you called yourself
    You’re suffering from inferiority complex, what’s your problem with president of new born nation?
    Why you subjected other peoples to suffer in the Jungles of jonglei and you’re enjoying in the hotels of Khartoum, shame on you guys .KIIR will be on your neck until Jesus come back from the heaven

  • monduloka

    South Sudan rebels abductees describe South Kordofan ordeal
    50 years, go to hell with ur Athor.Ur Master Humar Beshir
    will lose confidence in you after failing to fulfil his needs then that will be the end of ur facken ssla.God will ….

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    South Sudan rebels abductees describe South Kordofan ordeal
    They are stupid and mad. if they are nuer. they are lying. they were surrendered themselves to mighty SPLA because there is no food in the bush and khartoum now days.
    the question is, why do they run away from them movenam that has ben Dominated by Nuer gangster?
    don’t trust nuer they always surrendered just like Riek Machar teny dogz, death to them no surrend this time.

  • kolongnyantuet

    South Sudan rebels abductees describe South Kordofan ordeal
    You are welcome with open arms brothers. you have shown nationalism in you. you are true sons of the soil and that is why you do not condone killing your own father, mother, brother and sister.hope the rest recriuted that way shall do the same.

  • Deng Bornyang
    Deng Bornyang

    South Sudan rebels abductees describe South Kordofan ordeal
    @ DINKA DOMINATED SHIT. The issue of food is not always the case as you primary school kid think. I am disgusted with your narrow-minded critiques against Nuer on this site. But, I do forgive you because even the way you write can easily tells that you have never opened a secondary school gate.

    Hell to you and your stupid nature.

  • Malou Manyiel
    Malou Manyiel

    South Sudan rebels abductees describe South Kordofan ordeal
    Mark my word,
    I said this earlier in one of the articles published last three weeks about this rebel. I mentioned that those calling themselves rebels or SSLA are groups of gang from:- Fatiap in Omdurman, Soba Hela, Soba Arazi, Kalakala Weida and Kalakala Sherig etc. Most of these groups of gang are South Sudanese nationals. Some of them have never seen South Sudan because they were born in Krto

  • Malou Manyiel
    Malou Manyiel

    South Sudan rebels abductees describe South Kordofan ordeal
    Those preaching tribalism and hatred like Dinka Dominated SPLA and the rest, are other rebels in this website. Nothing good ever comes out of their mouths. Being against other tribes will never solve our problems as South Sudanese.

  • Madina Tonj
    Madina Tonj

    South Sudan rebels abductees describe South Kordofan ordeal
    Mr. Bonifacio Taban Kuich.

    These rebels leaders from Nuer and Shullik are trying to fool the people who have no experience how bad the life of rebel is. Khartoum regime is paying leaders so that, the leaders will training them and order to kills Southern Sudan but later on they will come just like others did in the history. Watchout careful those have been bribe fully by Khartoum regime to cause

  • Deng Bornyang
    Deng Bornyang

    South Sudan rebels abductees describe South Kordofan ordeal
    @ Malou, you are right brother but most of us are just being dragged into stupidity by this stupid tribalist called DINKA DOMINATED SHIT who will never learn. I would like to apologize on behalf of whoever responded to his stupidity.

  • Madina Tonj
    Madina Tonj

    South Sudan rebels abductees describe South Kordofan ordeal
    Malou Manyiel.

    I strongly disagree the way you mentions all these locations because it is not true. The SSLA are dominate by two tribes namely Nuer, Shullik and few of them from Ngok.

    Please visit SPLA
    You will hear the lanuage they were singing in the bush in Unity State. Their master SAF are resupplying them with Fake A47K made in China and only leaders are getting pay from Khartum

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    South Sudan rebels abductees describe South Kordofan ordeal
    Deng Nornyang
    you are very stupid and dumb just like riek machar and another uncivilised nuer people. if we are to talk about education? i think you would be my bitch. i am too educated but Education is not the answer to the question okey?. Education is the means to the answer to all questions. to hell with non educated background families.
    Do you have an idea who am i? you be wondering man.

  • Deng Bornyang
    Deng Bornyang

    South Sudan rebels abductees describe South Kordofan ordeal
    @ Madina Tonj, Who is George Athor? You are so fool to mention only two tribes and yet your own tribe also has some ” MILITIA MEN”. can you just shut up that big mouth of yours if you have nothing to say other than pointing fingers at others.
    Hell to you for not being objective in your critique.

  • Deng Bornyang
    Deng Bornyang

    South Sudan rebels abductees describe South Kordofan ordeal
    @ DINKA DOMINATED SLPA. If you are educated as you put it what is your reason by calling yourself Dinka Dominated Spla?
    Don’t you think this is not a civilized of doing things?
    For you will never learn and correct yourself, you are just a wrong child to your family. Pro-tribalist. No where in South Sudan you will live without Nuer around you. You are just barking and nothing will come out of it.

  • Logic

    South Sudan rebels abductees describe South Kordofan ordeal
    Dear S. Sudanese

    I honestly believe the likes of DD SPLA & SSLA Supporter are most probably agents or infiltrators tasked with stirring tribal hate amongst you. The more you engage them the more they have a platform to make you guys look bad, even though some of you have good intentions.

    The northern bigots don’t usually mention tribes on this site unless they’re insulting you! wake up guys…

  • Logic

    South Sudan rebels abductees describe South Kordofan ordeal
    Most of the racist northern commentators on here know too well that the north is riddled with tribalism and racism but yet they’re staunch supporters of the perpetrators of these divisive policies of N. Sudan.

    They hardly mention the domination of N. Sudan by a clutter of tribes with unwavering aspiration towards Arabism. Try to unite along the lines of commonality rather than divide your ppl.

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    South Sudan rebels abductees describe South Kordofan ordeal
    Deng bornyang
    it is good that you apologies to me just like your wicked father mr symbol of death Riek machar thank but no thank i will never leave you alone or nuer alone i am not that kind of give up esly brother. we will educat those who refused to learn form their doom and oafish attitude of killing and power greedy. uncivilised nuer will just die like gatwech gai the dog nyangat leaders.

  • Logic

    South Sudan rebels abductees describe South Kordofan ordeal
    The self proclaimed elite of N. Sudan fight covertly along tribal lines. Remember the abrupt dismissal of Salah Gosh, many insiders knew the tribal implications, Jalaia and Shawaiga harbor hatred (broadly speaking) for each other since the days of the Ottoman/ British empire…

    Prejudice is human nature, don’t let it consume your energy at the detriment of your nation.

    Identify your real enemy!

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