Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Unity state government payroll error

By Bonifacio Taban Kuich

January 18, 2012 (BENTIU) – Unity state Ministry of Public Services and the Ministry of Finance revealed over 400 government staff to received their wages twice, at ministerial and county levels.

John Matik Paul, the payroll manager in the state Ministry of Finance said that during the verification process their attention was alerted when many of the name of people to be paid were repeated.

Matik said employees who come to verify their names and are found to be already registered elsewhere in the system will have the opportunity to choose which registration to keep and which to remove.

He explained that the ministries had discovered repetition in the names of 294 ministerial employees and 456 people working in the police and wildlife services.

He told Sudan Tribune on Wednesday that, they have started the verification process to eliminate the repeated names, and that a new payroll will be published.

Employees are asked to visit the Ministry of Public Services on 23-24 January to settle the issue. They are asked to provide evidence of: name; date of birth; date of appointment; and place of work.

Marik said the personnel with repeated names must pass through a screening process before the receiving their January salaries, reassuring them that they will not be subject to legal reprisals.

James Gatkuer Biel,whose name was amongst the duplicates, told Sudan Tribune he had received his wages once, accusing the Ministry of Education of appropriating his second wage while he works in the Ministry of Information.

He accused the state Ministry of Education of receiving salaries on behaves of his name while he is working in the other ministry of Information.


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