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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan vice president calls for border peace between Unity, Warrap and Lake states

By Bonifacio Taban Kuich

April 8, 2012 (BENTIU) – South Sudan’s vice president, Riek Machar, is urging Warrap, Unity and Lakes state governors to come to the table with their grievances and improve the security situation in northern/central region of South Sudan.

South Sudan Vice President Riek Machar Teny talking to Unity State authorities in Bentui. 8 April 2012 (ST)
South Sudan Vice President Riek Machar Teny talking to Unity State authorities in Bentui. 8 April 2012 (ST)
Speaking to Sudan Tribune on Saturday, Machar said he will ensure that the governors of the three states will soon visit the common borders to encourage their citizens to live peacefully.

Unity state governor, Taban Deng; Warrap state governor, Nyadeng Malek; and Lake state governor, Chol Mayay agreed to meet with local chiefs in Madol, Unity state, on 4 March. However, it was re-scheduled for 10 April in the wake of Luo-Nuer/Murle talks in Jonglei state.

At least 11 people in Twic County, Warrap state were reportedly killed on 25 March. Another Warrap state tribal attack in January reportedly led to the death of more than 70 people.

Youth in Tong East of Tong North county, Warrap state, allegedly attacked Jel in Mayom county, Unity state, killing “more than 100 heads of cattle”, stealing “about 400” and wounding four people on Wednesday.

Cattle rustlers allegedly killed 46, and wounded 13 in Mayiandit County, Unity state in September 2011.

In January the UN estimated 120,000 “may need relief assistance” due to the conflict in Jonglei. There has been a long-running cattle-raiding/child-abduction feud between the Luo-Nuer and Murle ethnic groups which has escalated with the advent of readily available small arms. The proliferation of which is due, in part, to two decades of Sudanese civil war, which ended in 2005.

Machar said: “We need to visit the common borders of Warrap and Unity State particularly the north east border of Warrap and western border of Unity state, […] we need to visit them with governors so that we can tell people it is important for them to move on with the peace process, and this will be done before Madol and I hope we will do that after Easter”.

On Saturday cattle rustlers from Tong East county, Warrap state, killed a nine-year-old girl, stole approximately 100 cattle and wounded four in Koch County, Unity State authorities claim.

There is also conflict on the border between Sudan and South Sudan. In March the president of South Sudan, Salva Kiir, claimed that the military escalation was provoked by Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) coordinated aerial attacks on the border town of Jau and Pan Akuach, followed by a ground forces assault against another area called Teshwin.

Machar encouraged citizens to offer the South Sudanese army “logistical and moral support” in their defence of their international border.

After his Easter address on Sunday, Machar said to the people of Unity state, that he will move together with three governors from state to state, calling for peace among the citizens of South Sudan.


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