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Sudan Tribune

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Juba claims Khartoum-backed attack in Aweil leaves one woman dead

May 26, 2012 (JUBA) – South Sudan claimed on Saturday that a woman was killed on her farm in Majakbaai village, Northern Bahr el Ghazal State, following a raid carried out by Khartoum-backed Arab tribesmen.

Members of Sudan's Popular Defense Force, 13 December 2011 (Reuters)
Members of Sudan’s Popular Defense Force, 13 December 2011 (Reuters)
“This belligerent act is another violation of the Security Council resolution. The Popular Defence Forces [PDF] today raided a village called Majakbaai in Northern Bahr el Ghazal, taking away some cows before they were recovered by the SPLA [South Sudan army] forces and killing one woman on her farm,” spokesperson for the SPLA, Phillip Aguer said on 26 May.

The UN Security Council resolution came on May 2 in response to a breakdown in ties between Khartoum and Juba, which led to the most serious military confrontation between the two since South Sudan seceded in July 2011.

The SPLA managed to briefly control Sudan’s oil-rich town of Heglig last month before Khartoum reclaimed it.

The incident scuppered hopes of a resumption of talks on post-referendum issues such as borders, oil, Abyei, citizenship and national debt.

UNSC ordered both sides to immediately cease hostilities, pull back troops inside their borders and resume negotiations with the aim of reaching a deal within three months. It threatened both sides with sanctions in the event non-compliance.

While South Sudan said it accepts the decision, officials in Khartoum have given contradictory stances amid divisions within the ruling party regarding how to react to the resolution.

Aguer also accused the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) of carrying out “aerial bombardments concurrently with ground attacks aided by long range artilleries from Mereim, also in the same state.”

The SAF attacks took place in Majak Wol and Warguet in Northern Bahr el Ghazal, some 45km away from Wanyjok, the administrative headquarters of Aweil East County, according to Aguer.

He claimed that Khartoum plans to attack multiple SPLA sites using forces including militias in Northern Bahr el Ghazal and the disputed Abyei region, on various fronts.

Aguer warned that the SPLA would respond to acts of aggression and that the United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei should be held responsible for allowing militias to operate in the area.

He explained that the SPLA have information that 54 trucks pulling heavy weapons supplied by Khartoum to a militia group under the command of Colonel Michael Cholcara will launch an attack on the Abumagama region of Abyei from Abiemnom County in Unity State.  

Khartoum “continues to use mercenaries but nothing is being done,” claimed Aguer.

He also claimed that Khartoum’s intention is to occupy “some strategic places in order to strengthen position of its delegation at the talks”.

He said militia forces have been moving from Kosti towards Upper Nile using the Shilluk area of Hammer. “This area has been repeatedly used by Khartoum allied militia groups to launch attacks on the area, particularly Wodakona,” he said.

Claiming that a militia operating in Kosti under the leadership of Joseph Olony is receiving logistical support from SAF, Aguer said Khartoum is amassing troops “to take areas under Raja County in Western Bahr el Ghazal State”.

The briefing was attended by senior military officers including Brigadier General Majier Deng Kur, Dhel Mathiang Dhel, and Director for Community Security Bureau and Small Arms Control, John Chiek Bun.

There are reports from the office of the Northern Bahr el Ghazal governor indicating that Sudanese jet fighters resumed aerial bombardment on Warguet at 8.30am on Sunday. More details to follow.


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