Sunday, October 6, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Desperate lies of Sudan’s NCP regime never end

By Mahmoud A. Suleiman

May 29, 2012 — It has been reported in the Khartoum newspapers that Sudan’s presidential assistant Nafie Ali Nafie, founder of the infamous torture “Ghost Houses”, as renewing his usual accusations against the rebel Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) alleging its participation in the seizure of Heglig by the Republic of South Sudan’s army. Apparently, Nafie had made that bag of lies to coincide with the 4th Anniversary of the Operation Long Arm (OLA) through which the gallant forces of Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) attacked the Sudan’s National Capital Khartoum on Saturday 10th May 2008, with the view to take the war to the enemy’s backyard away from Darfur and weaken and/or ousting the government led by the ICC indicted Fugitive Marshal Omer Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir.

The news media also said that Nafie made the remark when the regime was trying to create tournaments and champions out of the criminal Génocidaire. They made the foregoing date as a pretext the t for a theatrical farce, where a Khartoum street was named after a military officer / a general who might have been killed in 2008! The mischievous lies of the National Congress Party (NCP) in Sudan have no end, given the frustration they feel in the light of the failures of all their plans and conspiracy against the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), arch-enemy of the regime which is on the verge of falling. Nafie alleged that Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) killed hundreds of Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) of soldiers/ combatants in the “battle of Heglig” when the Sudanese army counter-attacked to dislodge South Sudanese forces from the oil producing area of Heglig! The truth is that there had been no battle at all because the Republic of South Sudan withdrew its army from Heglig in response to the request of the United Nation Security Council (UNSC).

Nafie and his clique members seem to reiterate the Don Quixote Fights against the Windmills mistaking them for giants! The people of the remaining Sudan have become sickened and tired of the NCP regime’s grandiose falsehood and prevarication. The false accusations and slanders of the NCP regime against the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) are likely to continue as they seem to serve as a remedy for their desperate state of governance which dragged Sudan into abeyance. Nafie shouldn’t have taken the 4th Anniversary of Operation Long Arm (OLA) to inaugurate his general. He should have felt ashamed instead; he was reported hiding in the VIP suite at Khartoum International Airport while his boss Marshall Omer Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir stayed in a lounge at the Kenana district , for easy scape and flight from there to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for a refuge. Political analysts say the statements of Nafie Ali Nafie came under the influence of the shock that hit the National Congress Party (NCP) as a result of the occupation of Heglig army of the Government of Southern Sudan as a desperate attempt to export the recurrent defeat of his regime to others!

Political observers indicate that it is a habit of the National Congress Party (NCP) government to divert the public attention away from the harsh realities which it intends to implement by creating such lies. This time their evil plan to call the prisoner of war (PWO), Commander General El-Tom Hamid Tutu Malik to implement the death sentence issued on 6th February 2012 by the security apparatus Kangaroo Court belonging to the Islamist National Congress Party (NCP) Regime. The Pan-Arabism Islamism regime will not hesitate to execute General El-Tom Hamid Tutu Malik, the war prisoners, in blatant contravention to all the international conventions, agreements and laws. We call on the UN, AU, The League of Arab Countries and Human Right Organisation to stop this Human Rights Violation.

The Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), as a member of the Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF) will work with all Sudanese sectors coupling armed resistance with popular uprising effort to oust the current regime using all available means, in view of its brutal nature, to replace it with a democratic government in which rule of law, basic freedoms, justice and equality in rights and duties prevail. Citizenship will be the sole identity for a Sudanese regardless of colour, race, religious doctrine, gender or regional affiliation. Last and not least, fair trial for those who committed the heinous crimes in Darfur, Nuba Mountains, Blue Nile and elsewhere in Sudan in the International Criminal Court (ICC) at The Hague.

Dr. Mahmoud A. Suleiman is the Deputy Chairman of the General Congress for Justice and Equality Movement (JEM). He can be reached at ma [email protected]

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