Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Governor of Jonglei state commends UN human rights report

June 26, 2012 (JUBA) – The governor of Jonglei state, Kuol Manyang Juuk, has spoken of the positive response afforded to the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) report on incidents of inter-communal violence in the state

Manyang described how he had shared the report with members of his cabinet, who commended it, “because we recognise that there has people having been killing themselves – they have been looting each others cattle – there has been child abduction – there has been and raping and all these.”

The report calls of South Sudan to develop a comprehensive plan to end tribal violence in Jonglei and to take the necessary measures to protect civilians.

The lack of means and infrastructures in the immense state are seen behind the absence of state authority there.

While meeting with Richard Bennett, Chief of the UNMISS Human Rights Unit in his office today, Manyang assured Bennett that his state government accepted the report and is ready to implement its recommendations, “to bring peace to our people”. 

In addition, Bennett also met with Jonglei Assembly Speaker Peter Chol Wal, and briefed him on the report. Wal also vowed to implement the reports recommendations.


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