Thursday, July 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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OCHA South Sudan Weekly Humanitarian Bulletin for the period 30 July-5 August 2012

OCHA South Sudan Weekly Humanitarian Bulletin for the period 30 July -5 August 2012

Download the full report here: OCHA South Sudan Weekly Humanitarian Bulletin for the period 30 July -5 August 2012 Highlights:
  • New epidemiological data from two refugee camps in Unity and Upper Nile states show mortality and malnutrition rates soaring above emergency thresholds.
  • Seasonal rains increasingly hamper humanitarian access to disaster-affected people.
  • Health facilities across South Sudan report an upsurge of malaria with high case fatality rate in the first seven months of 2012.
Situation overview Humanitarian organizations are working to meet emergency needs of over 165,000 Sudanese refugees in Upper Nile and Unity states. New epidemiological data from two refugee camps in Unity and Upper Nile states show mortality and malnutrition rates above emergency thresholds, according to MSF. The main causes of morbidity among refugees are watery diarrhoea, upper tract respiratory infections and malnutrition. With the rainy season progressing, aid workers are increasingly faced with difficult logistics conditions, amid reports of heavy seasonal rains across the country requiring rapid assessments to determine the impact of the heavy rains and any humanitarian needs. In a positive development, the African Union High-level Implementation Panel announced that Sudan and South Sudan reached a deal on oil transit fees on 4 August. The United Nations Secretary-General in a statement welcomed the deal reached by the Governments of Sudan and South Sudan on oil and financial arrangements, calling it an important milestone for building good neighbourly relations between the two states. The Secretary-General urged the Sudanese and South Sudanese leaders to muster the necessary political will to resolve all outstanding issues. Also find attached these reports: South Sudan Humanitarian Snapshot – July 2012 South Sudan Humanitarian Funding Update – July 2012

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