Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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18 people arrested in Rumbek in connection with Cueibet July clashes

August 9, 2012 (RUMBEK) – The government of Lakes State has reported that 18 people suspected of connection with clashes between rival clans in Cueibet County have been arrested in Rumbek.

Cueibet County commissioner Isaac Mayom Malek, said that the 18 people were captured through a security operation in collaboration with community.

In July conflict erupted between Waat and Ayiel communities left at least 24 people dead and several others with serious injuries. The clashes caused the delay of celebrations marking South Sudan’s first year of independence on 9 July.

South Sudan’s army (SPLA) and state security services have increased their presence in Cueibet County in response the the clashes which began over a cattle raiding dispute.

Commissioner Mayom said that those people charged for murder cases will appear before a special court next week.

All eighteen suspects are being held at a Lang-cok military prison located in the Northern part of Rumbek, the capital of Lakes State.

“We have set up special court which is mandated to examine this charge with murder cases”, the commissioner said, adding that the security services had been ordered to keep searching for other suspects within Cueibet County.

“Now Cueibet County is calm – the security situation is back to normal and increase of security build up in being increased by local government – we have enough forces to dealt with any threat” said Mayom.

The governor of Lakes state Chol Tong Mayay has called upon Cueibet County inhabitants to sustain a peaceful co-existence.

“I need people of Cueibet to stay in peace cycle and broke up all cycle of violence and brought all those people suspected to have hand in Cueibet violence – Only option must be justice to determine who is wrong and who is right” said Governor Chol Tong.


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