Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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OCHA South Sudan Weekly Humanitarian Bulletin for the period 6-12 August 2012

OCHA South Sudan Weekly Humanitarian Bulletin for the period 6-12 August 2012

  • Humanitarian organizations stepped up efforts to improve health, water, sanitation and hygiene conditions in sites hosting over 167,000 refugees in Upper Nile and Unity states.
  • Rapid assessments have been carried out in Unity and Jonglei states to identify the humanitarian impacts of recent seasonal flooding.
  • A barge convoy carrying 2,766 returnees departed Renk in Upper Nile State on 10 August and is expected to reach Juba in 2-3 weeks.
Situation overview The emergency health and hygiene needs of over 167,000 Sudanese refugees in Upper Nile and Unity states continued to be of concern to humanitarian organizations. The most pressing situation remained in Upper Nile’s Yusuf Batil settlement, where efforts focused on reversing mortality and malnutrition trends. Relief agencies also worked to assess and respond to the impacts of seasonal flooding which has affected Unity and Jonglei states. In Abyei, aid agencies set up a tracking mechanism to monitor the return of people displaced from the area, so that humanitarian assistance can be effectively provided to those in need. The Ministry of Health reactivated the Ebola National Taskforce for Emergency Preparedness and Response in efforts to strengthen preparedness against an outbreak of the disease. Download the rest of the report here: OCHA South Sudan Weekly Humanitarian Bulletin for the period 6-12 August 2012

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