Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Soldier’s deadly attack on Rumbek police station

October 16, 2012 (RUMBEK) – A soldier from the South Sudan army (SPLA) attacked the police station in the Lakes state capital, Rumbek on Tuesday, killing policewoman Nyakulang Makuer Gol and wounding three policemen.

Lakes State Minister of Local Government and Law Enforcement Agency Benjamin Makuer Mabor, 26 June 2012 (ST)
Lakes State Minister of Local Government and Law Enforcement Agency Benjamin Makuer Mabor, 26 June 2012 (ST)
According to Lakes state minister for local government and law enforcement, Benjamin Makuer Mabor, said that a security meeting was held to discuss the gun battle, resulting in a five-member committee being set up to investigate the incident. “We will make all evidence available to the people,” said Mabor.

According to anonymous security sources the attacker was James Baba Gayin, a member of the SPLA from the Murle ethnic group acting under the influence of alcohol.

“We are going to take charge of security in the town and we are going to investigate the incident. We are going to mobilise our forces, excluding those who were involved in the incident,” said Mabor.

According to Mabor, four people were wounded and two killed in the attack. Those killed were the policewoman and Baba. Three more police and one student were injured in the crossfire.

Mabor said that Baba was shot “as revenge by police”.

The investigation will examine the conduct of the police in the incident as well as its root causes and ways to prevent a recurrence.

Baba’s body will be handed over to the the division commander of unit six, of which he was a member.


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