Thursday, September 26, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Ruling party slams undisciplined criticism against S. Kordofan governor

October 21, 2012 (KHARTOUM) — Sudan’s ruling National Congress Party (NCP) slammed undisciplined criticism against South Kordofan governor Ahmed Haroun who is accused of hammering Nuba efforts to settle the ongoing conflict in the state.

South Kordofan's Governor Ahmed Haroun (Reuters)
South Kordofan’s Governor Ahmed Haroun (Reuters)
Afaf Tawer, NCP member and head of the Information, Youth and Sport Committee in the Sudanese parliament called on Saturday to remove Haroun saying he had undermined efforts to hold a Nuba-Nuba dialogue meeting by holding a separate conference in Kadugli to discuss peace in the state.

Badre Al-Din Ahmed Ibrahim NCP spokesperson, warned on Sunday against statements to the media on Haroun’s actions and urged Tawer to address the issue through the competent organs of the party.

He further said that Haroun is an elected governor supported by the state’s population. The official pointed out that the Kadoguli conference was successful and witnessed the participation of a large number of South Kordofan people.

However, he admitted the negative impact of Tawer’s accusations despite the fact that they represent a personal point of view and do not reflect the political situation, he stated.

SPLM-North fighters in South Kordofan mainly from the Nuba Mountains have been fighting against the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) since June 2011, when SAF attempted to disarm the group before elements of a 2005 peace deal were implemented in the area.

The fighting has affected many hundreds of thousands who have fled the region, as well as those in areas occupied by the SPLM-N.

Afaf Tawer, is among those who believe that the difference within the Nuba tribe has allowed them to be used by the other groups to achieve their political goals, stressing it is better to stop war and dedicate their efforts to build their region.

Tawer, who has been summoned by the NCP disciplinary committee in South Kordofan to explain her position, said the outcome of Kadugli conference was a “big zero” despite the means mobilized to hold it.


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