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Sudan Tribune

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Jonglei governor claims gains against Yau Yau rebels in Pibor

November 3, 2012 (BOR) – The governor of Jonglei state says that the security situation is calm in Pibor county after three months of turmoil created by the rebel forces of David Yau Yau.

Kuol Manyang, who returned from Pibor on 2 October, after spending two days in Pibor talking to the elders and chiefs to encourage the citizens to abandon Yau Yau, confirmed to the press at the airport that South Sudan army (SPLA) forces have taken back many areas which were under Yau Yau’s control.

“I went there to see the situation and talk to the people and I found the security situation is under the SPLA control,” said Manyang.

Yau Yau, a former theology student from the Murle ethnic group, began his rebellion against the Juba in 2010 when, as an independent candidate, he lost his campaign to represent the Gumuruk–Boma constituency in Pibor County at the Jonglei State Assembly.

Since then he has flip-flopped between rebellion and cooperation with the government. Juba in September accused Khartoum of arming Yau Yau’s rebels.

“David Yau Yau has moved away from the areas he was in, he has gone to north of Likuangole and the SPLA forces are monitoring him and he is also preparing himself.”

Manyang appealed to the people of Pibor to send a messages to the followers of Yau Yau to abandon him because they have nothing to gain from his rebellion.

He said that Yau Yau will not help people in any way, as he has nothing to give the locals who have now suffered as a result of his atrocities in the areas of Pibor and that “Yau Yau’s rebellion will not go beyond February 2013,” as the SPLA is now working hard to make sure they are cleared out of the area.

“He is a civilian, and he does not have a constant supply of arms and ammunitions, how can such a man face the national army for long?” asked Manyang. He said that the rebels are now “squeezed into one small area”.

Manyang called for the people, including investors, to return to Gumuruk and other affected villages in the county as the security situation there is improved.

Manyang dismissed reports of a suspension of the disarmament in the Jonglei.

Last week it was reported that disarmament had been suspended in Pibor.

“It is for the army to give me the report that there are no more guns in the hands of the civil population, then I will take this report to the president, who will then announce the end of disarmament. Nobody will else will stop it for any reason,” Manyang explained.
Head of the SPLA peace and restoration forces in Jonglei, Kuol Deim Kuol, in a separate interview told Sudan Tribune that the news about the suspension of disarmament in Jonglei county of Pibor was a propaganda invented by those against the SPLA.
“How come I did know about the suspension of disarmament in Jonglei and I am the one leading the forces here? It is not true,” said Deim.


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