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Sudan Tribune

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Jonglei students prepare for final university exams

November 25, 2012 (BOR) – Students from the Dr. John Garang Memorial University of Science and Technology celebrated the arrival of their final exams on Saturday with friends, family, government officials and other well wishers at an event in Bor.

dsc04062_1_.jpgThe fair well party was meant to wish students successes in their final exams, which are begin on Monday 26 November, including 24 law, two chemistry, two physics, six biology and five for mathematics students.

Addressing the attendees on Saturday, the Vice Chancellor of the University, Professor Aggrey Ayuen Majok, urged the students to do well in their final exams, saying the knowledge he had given them will make the young graduates competent civil servants for South Sudan’s young government.

If they pass their final exams “you will be competent civil servants wherever you will work”, said Ayuen said. “The knowledge you have received is strength to develop yourselves and the communities you will serve”.

He warned the students to distance themselves from corruption, a common practice believed to have contributed to the under-development of the fifteen-month-old nation since the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement between Sudan and South Sudan in 2005.

According to Ayuen, corruption is either using the public funds under the code for which it was not meant for, employing incompetent relatives or having more than one job within the same government.

“Some are already working with the government, don’t do two jobs, it is a corruption”, he said.

He said called upon the students to protect their reputation regardless of any circumstances.

“All that we have [tall buildings and wealth] will remain when we die but your integrity is number one”, he warned, adding that the students not to aim for high position in their work places to avoid creating tension in their places of work.

The president of the Students’ Union, Gai Deng Peter, asked the students in his speech to be good ambassadors to the communities “rather instigating the violence”.

The Dean of the faculty of science and Technology, Dr. Joseph Lako told his young graduates to go and give knowledge to people who need it.

“Since knowledge is power, go and give out to serve the people”, he said.

The dean of students, Mr. Majok Kelei asked the students “not to forget the University as the University will not forget you”.

He said although “you sleep in tents, you made this place a good one for others to come to”.

The University is expecting to admit about 160 more students for both science and law faculties next year.

Jonglei State Minister of Education said he needs young graduates in biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics to serve in his ministry.

“Please if you have no job, come see in my office. I need you more than you need me”, he told the students.


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