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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan’s ruling party debates basic documents for review

February 13, 2013 (JUBA) – The ruling party in South Sudan, Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM), has begun debating the basic documents which will be presented to the upcoming extra-ordinary convention for endorsement.

The party last month announced that it will hold an extra-ordinary convention towards the end of February to review its basic documents and align them with the new reality presented by the independent state.

The documents include the party’s constitution, manifesto, rules and regulations and the code of conduct.

The documents were formulated when the country was still one while the Movement was calling for a secular united democratic Sudan, with some of its members that included Sudanese, particularly from Nuba Mountains and Southern Blue Nile areas of Sudan.

The party since Tuesday has been busy reviewing the four basic documents before presenting them to the convention in about three weeks’ time.

Party officials say that the recent grass root assessment of the party’s performance with its members in the ten states revealed that the SPLM was losing direction and vision and recommended a robust internal transformation.

There have been rumours that besides reviewing the documents the party may also discuss the fate of the upcoming 2015 general elections and who should be the next flag bearer for presidential contest.

The deputy secretary general, Ann Itto, however denied the inclusion of the leadership agenda in the extra-ordinary convention, saying any other agenda will be discussed in the ordinary convention which she said would take place “later this year.”


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