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Sudan Tribune

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Initiatives of Change officially registered in South Sudan

Initiatives of Change officially registered in South Sudan

20 Feb 2013

It’s been a long time coming; South Sudan’s General Joseph Lagu first attended an Initiatives of Change (then named MRA) conference in 1987. At that time he was Vice President of Sudan and was best known for founding Anya-nya, South Sudan’s first liberation movement. Now, as a respected Elder of the newly independent South Sudan, he has lived to see IofC registered in his beloved homeland.

Madame Angelina, President of the newly-formed IofC South Sudan, receives the certificate of registration from the lawyer, watched by another member Tongo James Elisama (Photo: Mike Brown)
Madame Angelina, President of the newly-formed IofC South Sudan, receives the certificate of registration from the lawyer, watched by another member Tongo James Elisama (Photo: Mike Brown)
In the meantime, many others have caught the vision; Tor Deng, George Justin Achor, James Reat, Deng Deng Akoon, Angelina Teny and the hard working Tongo James who has led a youth group from Juba on the IofC journey for two years now.

Madame Angelina, President of the newly-formed IofC South Sudan, receives the certificate of registration from the lawyer, watched by another member Tongo James Elisama (Photo: Mike Brown)Madame Angelina, President of the newly-formed IofC South Sudan, receives the certificate of registration from the lawyer, watched by another member Tongo James Elisama (Photo: Mike Brown)The exciting moment unfolded when the official Registration Certificate was delivered to Madame Angelina Teny and Tongo James last Saturday. The jubilation in the room was palpable. For a nation wrestling with vast opportunities and complex challenges, the presence of a network of dedicated people who are committed to personal and social transformation will undoubtedly be a force for good.

The South Sudan IofC Constitution outlines the challenges that this network plans to address:

  • Bringing reconciliation and healing where there is conflict
  • Tackling the root causes of corruption, poverty and social exclusion
  • Strengthening the moral and spiritual foundations of democracy

IofC South Sudan includes some high profile members; the Vice President’s wife, a Presidential Advisor and an Undersecretary of the Republic. In a nation that is scrambling for positions of authority, it is a courageous move for the Constitution to state that ‘all members of the association have equal status and share equal responsibilities and duties in helping each other.’

IofC South Sudan will have little time celebrate this momentous achievement; their next task is to support the National Reconciliation Campaign [1], which begins with training 200 young peace mobilizers and a Reconciliation Conference for 1000 in April this year. The encouragement and support of the global IofC network will no doubt be appreciated.

Congratulations IofC South Sudan! May you journey with your nation towards healing, unity and peace.

Kathyrn Gor

Initiatives of Change © 2012

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