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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Unity state official decries high rate of school dropouts

By Bonifacio Taban Kuich
March 9, 2013 (BENTIU) – An official in South Sudan Unity state has decried the high rate of school dropout among girls; saying early marriage is a setback in efforts to implement the girl-child education policy.

South Sudan VP Riek Machar joins a group of women to cut a cake at Women Day celebrations in Juba (splmtoday)
South Sudan VP Riek Machar joins a group of women to cut a cake at Women Day celebrations in Juba (splmtoday)
Speaking at an occasion to mark International Women’s Day on Friday, Michael Chiengjiek Geay, the state deputy governor said forceful marriage, a common practice in most communities, deny girls access to education.

“The old practice which is uneasy for dropouts is forcing young girls into marriage, thus denying them access to education. The worse part of it all is that some parents push their daughters into forceful marriage for wealth,” he said.

Geay, also Unity State’s Minister for Local Government and Law Enforcement, urged citizens and stakeholders to join the campaign against forceful marriages in communities, reiterating the will of state authorities to fight the practice.

South Sudan, which attained independence barely two year ago, has one of the highest illiteracy rates in the world. According to last year’s Household Survey for South Sudan, less than one third of all South Sudanese aged 15 or older can read and write, with literacy rates among females at just 19%.

However, although girls’ education has reportedly improved since the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in 2005, these figures show that much work still lie ahead. For instance, the social-cultural practices deeply rooted in most communities are widely seen as a setback to girls’ access to education.

In South Sudan, statistic show, girls continue to be marginalised and denied access to education, with only 37.1% of eligible girls enrolled in primary school and just 1.3% enrolled in secondary level education.

Hilde Johnson, the Special Representative to the Secretary General (SRSG) in South Sudan, insist the full participation and empowerment of women in society is necessary, if the young nation is to achieve development and sustainable peace.

“Child marriage remains a deterrent to education; it affects thousands of girls and young women, depriving them of the ability to achieve their full potential and to fully contribute to the building of this new nation,” said Johnson, also head of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS).

Meanwhile, the state Minister of Gender and Child Welfare said plans are underway to put in place a policy that will make forceful marriages unlawful in society.

“The issue of earlier marriage and forceful marriage has been a big problem particularly on underage girls. This is really a challenge for girls who wish to continue [with] their studies in schools,” said Lubna Abdelgani.

The minister, while speaking at the women’s day event, also appealed to lawmakers in the state legislative assembly to enact a law that will counter the traditional norms and practices of forceful marriages.

South Sudan Parliament, last year, passed the General Education Act, with a section of advocating for the need to protect the girl child, from sexual harm, gender-based violence and early marriages.


International Women’s Day 2013

Coverage relating to Sudan and South Sudan around international women’s day.

Storified by Sudan Tribune· Sun, Mar 10 2013 16:04:30

South Sudan began celebrating International Women’s day on Tuesday when the country’s second lady called for women to be given 50% of government positions.
South Sudan women urged to play larger role in politicsSudan Tribune
South Sudan’s second lady urges women to push for affirmative action – Sudan Tribune: Plural news and views on Sudan http://www.sudantribune.com/spip.php?article45735Richard Ruati
The UN has used the annual celebration to urge for the end of Violence Against Women.
Violence against women – Navi Pillay the UN High Commissioner for #HumanRights http://www.sudantribune.com/spip.php?article45742 @womensday @Women_on_IWD @UNWomenWatchSudan Tribune
International Women’s Day 2013 – Message from UN Women Executive Director Michelle Bacheletunwomen
Today is International Women’s Day. We salute women in #Sudan and from all corners of the world for the unique contributions they make #IWDUNICEF Sudan
RT @unicefsudan: Every girl is born saleema (complete,perfect in arabic), let every girl grow up saleema #Sudan http://pic.twitter.com/xrFG3haeuVOrchid Project
South Sudan has the highest maternal mortality rates in the world. This MSF video shows what is being done to address the problem through the story of one women in Northern Bahr el Ghazal.
International Women’s Day: Obstetric care in South Sudanmsfaustralia
Human Rights Watch marked the day by calling for an end to forced marriage of girls in South Sudan.
On #womensday send a message to South Sudan to protect girls from early marriage – RT this video http://bit.ly/10hobsA #IWDHuman Rights Watch
Child Marriage: South Sudanhumanrightswatch
Happy International Women’s Day – Stunning photographs highlight the need to end #childmarriage http://bit.ly/13JASkoHuman Rights Watch
“This Old Man Can Feed Us, You Will Marry Him” – Child and Forced Marriage in South Sudan (new report from @HRW) http://ow.ly/ixeWtAndrew Stroehlein
More than 39,000 girls forced into marriage each day, sold like cattle to enrich families: http://apne.ws/12zKUVT -BWThe Associated Press
South Sudan: End widespread child marriage – Sudan Tribune http://www.sudantribune.com/spip.php?article45754Janet Walsh

The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General in South Sudan called the empowerment of  the women in the world’s youngest nation.

Empower the Women of the World’s Youngest Nation — South SudanIn the world’s newest nation, South Sudan, women and girls are confronted with the formidable challenges of daily life: child marriage, g…
Happy International Women’s Day from PESS! Check out this article on the status of women and girls in South… http://fb.me/M1LrjIfQProject Educ Sudan
International Women's Day, 8 MarchThis year's theme for International Women's Day, “A promise is a promise: Time for action to end violence against women” seeks …
South Sudanese civil society asked that the next Secretary General of the UN be a women.
S. Sudan activists launch campaign for female UN chief – Sudan Tribune: Plural news and views on SudanMarch 8, 2013 (JUBA) – As the world commemorates International Women Day on 8 March, a South Sudanese civil society organisation calls on…
One of the biggest celebrations in South Sudan was in Jonglei state.
South Sudan celebrates International Women’s Day in Bor – Sudan Tribune: Plural news and views on SudanMarch 8, 2013 (BOR) – Hundreds South Sudanese citizens and political leaders converged on Bor, the capital of Jonglei state, to celebrate…
Photos from ST’s Bor correspondent:
South Sudan leaders celebrate International Women’s Day 2013Sudan Tribune
Youth entertain guest in BorSudan Tribune
Rebecca Nyandeng addresses the crowd in Bor to celebrate International Women’s DaySudan Tribune
South Sudan’s gender minister speaks on International Women’s Day 2013Sudan Tribune
Bor security services march to celebrate international women’s daySudan Tribune
News from ST’s correspondents around South Sudan:
Women’s day marred by fight over unpaid dowry in Lakes state – Sudan Tribune: Plural news and views on SudanMarch 8, 2013 (RUMBEK) – One person is reported to have been killed in Rumbek Central County, the capital of Lakes state, on Thursday, th…
Unity state official decries high rate of school dropouts – Sudan Tribune: Plural news and views on SudanBy Bonifacio Taban Kuich March 9, 2013 (BENTIU) – An official in South Sudan Unity state has decried the high rate of school dropout amon…
South Sudan’s SPLM increases women representation to 35% – Sudan Tribune: Plural news and views on SudanMarch 9, 2013 (JUBA) – South Sudan’s ruling party has said it intends to increase the mandatory percentage of women in the SPLM from 25% …
And finally… some footage from 2011.
international women’s day-south Sudan video 3mymajack

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