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Sudan Tribune

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Communique of Darfur international donor conference

F IN A L C OMMU N I Q U É International Donor Conference for Reconstruction and Development in Darfur Doha from 7-­?8 April 2013 Preamble We, the Participants in the International Donor Conference for Reconstruction and Development in Darfur, hosted by the State of Qatar on 7-­?8 April 2013: -­? Affirm that the Doha Document for Peace in Darfur (DDPD) is the main framework for the overall peace process in Darfur; and -­? Confirm that the only viable solution to the Darfur crisis is through peaceful dialogue leading to sustainable peace, and that Darfur now and after the commence of implementation of the DDPD started the gradual and sequenced transition from the humanitarian assistance to early recovery, reconstruction and development; Further, we declare the following: Reaffirm the urgent need to implement the DDPD, particularly the development components outlined in the Document; Welcome the joining of Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) Bashar as a signatory party to the DDPD; and call upon the other parties that have not yet signed the Document to do so in order to achieve security and stability as well as support the development efforts in the region; Commend all humanitarian efforts exerted by the Government of Sudan, all States, United Nations Organisations, International and National non-­?Governmental Organisations during the past ten years of the conflict; Recognize the importance of the Darfur Development Strategy (DDS) prepared by the Darfur Joint Assessment Mission (DJAM) in accordance with Article 32 of the DDPD as an essential reference document for the identification of priorities and implementation of recovery, reconstruction and development priorities in Darfur; Commend the active participation of all development partners, stakeholders and civil society organisations in Darfur during the preparation of the DDS; Value the international and regional efforts led by the State of Qatar in order to promote peace process and support development and stability in Darfur; and its continued efforts to bring the other non-­?signatory movements to join the peace process; Acknowledge and thank the Government of Sudan for all its efforts made on the ground and the support provided to promote peace process, stability and development in Darfur; Thank all Countries, Regional and International Organisations – particularly UNAMID -­? for their continued support for the peace process, stability and development in Darfur; The following has been agreed upon 1. The DDS is to be considered as the main entry point for the gradual and sequenced transition from humanitarian assistance to development. As a result, the participating Countries and Organizations have adopted the DDS as a starting point for the recovery, reconstruction and development of Darfur over the next six years; 2. Immediate cash support amounting US$177,400,000 has been pledged – the State of Qatar will provide US$88,500,000 immediate cash support from their overall contribution to kick start implementation of the recovery and reconstruction projects in Darfur; 3. Sufficient funding for the implementation of the medium and long term projects of the strategy amounting to US$ 1,051,659,100.00 has been received; this includes grants, loans, banking facilities, credits and technical assistance; 4. The Government of Sudan renewed its commitment and pledges to pay an amount of US$ 2.65 billion as described in the DDPD; therefore the total contributions pledged are US$3,701,659,100.00. 5. A transparent, accountable, competent and flexible funding mechanism for the implementation of the DDS has been adopted; 6. The Darfur Recovery and Reconstruction Board of Directors to be co-­?chaired by the State of Qatar and §? The Government of Sudan; §? The Darfur Regional Authority (DRA); §? The United Nations; While its membership will be from §? Representatives of Donor Countries and Development Partners (…) has been endorsed; 7. The Government of Sudan has committed to provide all the necessary legal, procedural, security and logistical facilities to enable access and free movement of Development Partners, National and international Non-­?Governmental Organizations to implement and monitor the projects under the DDS; 8. A Technical Follow-­?up Committee to continue for one year renewable, chaired by the State of Qatar and membership of representatives of: §? The Government of Sudan; §? Darfur Regional Authority; §? United Nations Country Team (UNCT), UNDP and UNAMID; §? Donors and Development Partners; has been endorsed in order to enable the rapid implementation of the DDS, in particular the Foundational Short-­?Term (FaST) Activity projects. 9. Arrangements for an Investment Conference on Darfur will be made; 10. Another Donor Conference to take place within two years from the date of this Conference to follow up on the performance of the pledges and urge payment of outstanding commitments will be organised; In conclusion, the Participants wish to convey their sincere gratitude and appreciation to the State of Qatar under the leadership of His Highness Amir Hamad bin Khalifa al Thani for its generous hospitality, organisation and the efforts made to ensure the success of this Conference. The Participants also convey their appreciation to the Government of Sudan, the DRA, UNDP, UNAMID, UNCT and all International Development Partners and Donors for the continued efforts deployed in furtherance of the success of reconstruction and development in Darfur. Doha, Qatar April 8, 2013

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