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Sudan Tribune

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Head of UN in South Sudan told of Lakes state human rights alleged abuses

April 27, 2013 (RUMBEK) – The head of the United Nations in South Sudan was told by Lakes state MPs on Friday of widespread human rights abuses and constitutional issues with the term limit of the new caretaker military governor.

Head of the Untied Nations Mission to South Sudan, Hilde Johnson (ST File)
Head of the Untied Nations Mission to South Sudan, Hilde Johnson (ST File)
The UN Special Representative of the Secretary General (UNSRSG) for South Sudan, Hilde Johnson, also held a one hour closed door meeting with the Lakes state Governor, Maj-Gen Matur Chut Dhuol, but information about the meeting has not been made public.

Speaking at the Lakes state legislative assembly, members of parliament representing various constituencies expressed their concern over basic human rights violations since the military caretaker Governor was installed in January.

The MPs said that despite Dhuol’s hardline policies, 64 people have been killed in the last three months and there has been little improvement in terms of security in and around Rumbek.

Marik Nanga Marik, an MP representing Rumbek North constituency No. 2 of Malueth, Wunring and Mayen territory reminded South Sudan’s ruling party – the SPLM – to uphold the rule of law.

Justice and democracy, he said, were the reasons South Sudanese fought Khartoum governments for over two decades until a 2005 peace deal paved the way for secession in 2011.

The MP also questioned why a new gubernatorial election had not been held within the 60-day limit stipulated in South Sudan’s constitution in the event that an elected governor is sacked and replaced by the president.

Governor Dhuol was appointed on January 21 and the deadline for holding a new election passed on March 21, over a month ago.

Marik criticised the SPLM’s leadership for undermining the constitution and rights of the people of Lakes state, for the sake of accommodating personal interests in the party.

“This is [a] clear violation”, he said, as there had been no extension from the president or the state parliament as provided under article 96 of Lakes state transitional constitution.

“His presence in office is illegal,” the MP said, adding that for the last month the Governor has had no legal mandate to run the state or appoint a new cabinet,” the MP said.

Although Marik acknowledged that the security situation had improved in some areas, he told Johnson that banditry and cattle raiding was still common.

“Yes, [Governor Dhuol] improved security now but he is still causing fresh insecurity by torturing people. Our constitution does not allow torture or arbitrary arrest. The UN have now mandate to assist in calling for urgent election to be done in Lakes State” said Nanga.

Over 100 young men, suspected to have been involved in cattle raids and reprisal violence, are believed to be held without trial, charge or access to legal representation in ghost prisons around Rumbek.

The three prisons include Langcok located in northern part of Rumbek central county, Pulkuc prison located in Eastern part of Rumbek Central county and Ajakangau located in western part of Cueibet County.

Another MP, Chol Kutwel, criticised South Sudan’s leadership for replacing the elected Governor with a military ruler. The imposition of a military governor and the failure to hold an election within the specified time period brought into question the new nation’s commitment to democracy, he said.

Governor Dhuol threatened to close the state parliament if politicians continued to discuss politics soon after he was appointed and earlier this month instructed the Speaker to put the assembly on recess much to the anger of MPs.

Kutwel said that South Sudan’s army did not have the capacity to govern civilians and needed training as they were often not aware of the law.

“They should be trained to know [South Sudan’s] laws”, he said, adding that the UN Mission in South Sudan had a mandate for such training.

Many citizens of Lakes state complain of harsh measures introduced by Governor Dhuol that have led to allegations that those accused of involvement in violence of being tortured while in custody.


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