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Sudan Tribune

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Unity state ready join hands to limit spread of HIV/AIDS

By Bonifacio Taban Kuich

May 1, 2013 (BENTIU) – Authorities in South Sudan Unity state say HIV/Aids are toping up 5% among SPLA in the countrywide. In 2012 Unity state is having 1.3 affected cases of HIV personal. But NGO’s urged government in various ten states to make public awareness in order to reduce the spread of deadly diseases in the world newest nation.

South Sudan after decade conflicts with Sudan has isolated development within the country has pushed more people into neighboring Kenya, Uganda and Ethiopia and abroad.

With high influx of return of refugees who got hosted in exile are increasing on high rates of HIV infection among Youths, mother and parents. But this has exposed threat of cases of epidemic disease in the Country.

Dr. Sterina Nivelo chief of South Sudan Aids Commission says their comings to Unity state are to have HIV/AIDs humanitarian coordination on reducing number of HIV/AIDs infectious among people in South Sudan.

Nivelo says, their aims of coming on ground are to mobilize authorities in the state in order to fight toward free HIV/AIDs spread in Unity.

As HIV global funding limits funding, challenges occur to catch up with passing over the danger of HIV/AIDs in poor nation like South Sudan. But Nivelo says they are working hard to cover gaps of global donor by raising local resources campaign in order to run activities of reducing disease in the nation.

“Oil movement out of the country to the international markets, we hope so the situation will change. The other thing also we do have our partners and the donor also supporting us, although the main donor which use to support who are HIV global funds, as the government we are trying our level best as commission, we also developing a strategy how can we mobilize the domestic resources”, said Nivelo.

South Sudan HIV/AIDs commissioner, Nivelo gives grave warning to south Sudanese that the epidemic disease could kill more people than war in the country, if people do not join hands toward South Sudan HIV/AIDS free.

Deputy governor Michael Chiengjiek Geay in his briefing on USAIDs representative on Tuesday adding the disease is more ramparts in South Sudan after and before independent in 2011.

Following austerity measure introduction last year by government it makes it difficult to allocate funds for awareness in the countrywide.

But deputy governor Geay says as the oil resumption started, more funds will be prioritizing for HIV/AIDs awareness in the nation.

Geay says, “The reason sometime people did not focus high on the issue of HIV/AIDS and no resources allocated to HIV/AIDs, it was because of the reason we all know, the austerity measures but now once our oil follow resume, I don’t think that there will be reason or justification for the government to say that there is no allocated budget for HIV/AIDs”.

A worry alarming are rising of HIV/AIDs on the national army infection are due to frequent movement soldiers from states to states. But the deputy governor urged on the concern SSAC to talks with SPLA commanders in order to include affected victims for treatment and joint them toward campaigning about HIV/AIDs limit in spreading.

“Now it is unfortunate that the number of the infected soldiers is raised to 5 percent, this is very alarming anyway and I would also advice that you need to have time to talks with generals, specially the commanders so that at least a team of awareness can be departure to the front to talks to the army and inform them”, said Geay.

Societies in some parts of South Sudan fear of visiting volunteer Counseling Test (VCT) which authorities and none governmental organization recommending would limit spread of HIV/AIDs in South Sudan.

Unity state with high influx returnees from neighboring Sudan and refugees from disputed Nuba Mountain. Both government and international NGO’s are working toward decompaigning the spread of epidemic HIV/AIDs in the community through public awareness.

Ways of protecting against virus infection are for male to use condom during sexual intercourse, but with ignorant among communities have increased the spread of diseases around the country.

An estimated 16,000 new infections per year in Countrywide reported by Health Ministry. Currently South Sudan status on HIV/AIDS are 22.8 percent cases of affection among its citizens and most majority are young people below the age of 24 years who are actively in sexual interest.


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