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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan: US aids conflict displaced people

June 8, 2013 (KHARTOUM) – The US government has aided the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) with contributions, that will enable the world’s largest humanitarian body assist nearly 4 million vulnerable people across Sudan.

Children displaced by conflict in Darfur region (explore)
Children displaced by conflict in Darfur region (explore)
An additional 1.4 million people, WFP said in a statement, will also benefit from these donations, given in form of lentils, sorghum and oil fortified with vitamin A.

“This contribution could not have come at a better time as we are in the thick of the lean season and this puts us in a better position to feed all those in need of food assistance including an additional 250,000 people who have been displaced by an escalation of conflict in parts of Darfur in recent months,” said WFP Sudan country director, Adnan Khan.

Another $43 million, in addition to the contributions meant for the conflict-affected and vulnerable people of Darfur, has been earmarked to feed people displaced by the on-going conflict in Blue Nile and South Kordofan states, where WFP has access to government-held areas.

“We are very pleased with our partnership with WFP which enables us to assist all those in need of food assistance, especially in Darfur which has been afflicted by a new wave of violence in recent months,” said USAID Sudan mission director Barry Primm.

Conflict, WFP said, remains a key issue, which could threaten the fragile food security situation in Sudan.

At the beginning of this year, WFP planned to reach 3.6 million vulnerable people across Sudan, with 2.7 million of them living in Darfur. The organisation, however, says the recent spate of violence and fighting in parts of Darfur, Blue Nile, South Kordofan and North Kordofan states may add another 250,000 people in need for assistance in Darfur alone.

“We are deeply concerned about the on-going conflict in Darfur, Blue Nile and South Kordofan states which creates greater humanitarian need and hampers our ability to reach all those in need of assistance. It could also derail our plan to promote long-term food security and resilience among communities,” said Khan.

Currently, the US is reportedly the single largest donor to WFP Sudan, providing crucial support to WFP’s operations in more than 70 countries globally.


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