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Sudan Tribune

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Sudanese opposition unveils 100-day plan to topple regime

June 8, 2013 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudanese opposition today confirmed what was announced this week by presidential assistant Nafie Ali Nafie of a 100-day plan aimed at overthrowing the regime of president Omer Hassan al-Bashir.

abu_essa.jpgThe head of the National Consensus Forces (NCF), an umbrella of opposition parties, Farouk Abu Essa scoffed at government’s assertions that they are impotent and have fallen hostage to the Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF) which is battling the Sudanese army in several states.

Speaking at a news conference in Khartoum on Saturday, Abu Essa stressed that the SRF represents a strategic ally for the coalition and highlighted their common goal of bringing down the government dominated by the Islamist National Congress Party (NCP).

However, the opposition figure pointed out that their means of achieving this is different from the SRF as they are utilizing only peaceful means.

“Our relationship with the SRF is strategic one to maintain the unity, security and stability of Sudan; at the end of the day they are the sons of Sudan and we work with them in order to stop the war. We want to spare any drop of blood” Abu Essa said.

He underscored that the ground is now fertile for a popular uprising especially after the failure of the regime to maintain the unity and stability of the country.

Mohammed Ziauddin, another NCF figure, presented the 100-day plan which is comprised of several stages including holding seminars in public arenas and attempting to get citizens to take the streets.

Ziauddin said that the opposition is now more anxious than ever about making a radical change in Sudan and revealed an initiative to address the crisis that will be transmitted to the Sudanese government in the coming days based on the “democratic alternative”.

He said that the success of the initiative is contingent upon the approval of president Bashir.

Few expect the opposition plan to work given its fractured internal dynamics with suspicions running deep about secret deals between the government and some of its members particularly the National Umma Party (NUP).


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