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Sudan Tribune

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SRF proposes declaration to unite Sudanese opposition

October 1, 2013 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudanese Revolutionary Front proposed a draft of a political declaration aiming to unite the opposition forces in order to overthrow the regime of the National Congress Party (NCP).

SRF leaders, form the left, Gibril Ibrahim (JEM), Malik Agar (SPLM-N), Abdel wahil Al Nur (SLM-AW) Minnin Minnawi (SLM-MM) and Yasir Arman (SPLM-N), on 4 October 2012 after the signing of a new political agreement between the rebel groups in Kampala, Uganda (Photo SRF)
SRF leaders, form the left, Gibril Ibrahim (JEM), Malik Agar (SPLM-N), Abdel wahil Al Nur (SLM-AW) Minnin Minnawi (SLM-MM) and Yasir Arman (SPLM-N), on 4 October 2012 after the signing of a new political agreement between the rebel groups in Kampala, Uganda (Photo SRF)
The signatories of declaration should would commit themselves to agree on the duration of the transitional period and to form temporary institutions to rule the country during this interim period.

Further the declaration pledges to include splinter factions from the government, seeking change and not involved in the crimes committed by the regime.

Also, the SRF would announce a ceasefire, after the collapse of the regime, in order to create a suitable atmosphere for the transitional government to enforce the goals of the agreed charter.

The chairman of the rebel coalition Malik Agar on Monday said they prepare a military plan to enhance the popular uprising.

SPLM-N secretary general Yasir Arman was keen, in a separate statement to underline that the SRF action aims to enhance the chances of victory of the peaceful uprising.

Activists say over 200 protesters were killed by the Sudanese police and security service during anti-government protests last week.


Below is the full text of the draft:

Political Declaration Proposed by the SRF for the Unity of Sudanese Opposition

In loyalty to the hundreds of thousands whose blood was shed under this genocidal regime; to the millions who were forced to flee towards refugee camps, exile, and the diaspora; to the poor who were pushed to the brink of despair and marginalization by brutal policies; to the victims of oppression and torture; to those suspended from their jobs to benefit the so-called public interest; to those women whose lives are turned into a daily routine of humiliation; and to the youth and children whose dreams were assassinated and the brightness of their eyes dimmed by poverty and malnutrition.

In loyalty to the homeland that was torn apart by corruption, war and genocide that destroyed the nation, its social fabric, morality, and global standing, we, the signatories of this proposal, comprised of civil and political forces, armed movements, youth movements, civil society organizations, unions, and independent figures standing for change, we pledge the following:

• Overthrow the totalitarian, genocidal regime.
• Reach an agreement between the signatories of this proposal on the duration of the transition period.
• Formation of transitional institutions comprised of signatories of this proposal, as well as national experts representative of the various intellectual, geographical, social and ethnic spectra.
• Fair representation of women.
• Inclusion of the faction that split from the government that is seeking change and whose hands are not stained with the blood of innocents.

We declare our commitment to abide by the following:

• Declaration of a constitution that establishes a democratic, pluralistic system based on equal citizenship, and ensures human rights in accordance with international conventions and charters.
• End war by confronting the root of marginalization that resulted from cultural and racial superiority, and establish a non-centralized system, in which unionist institutions are rebuilt so as to ensure diverse and equal representation and respect of regions, ethnicities, languages, and religion.
• Ensure equal distribution of power, resources, opportunities for development, and services.
• The Sudanese Revolutionary Front (SRF) pledges to a ceasefire upon the successful victory of the popular uprising, which paves the way for achieving the goals of the transitional period. The participation of the SRF in the goals of the transitional period would save the cost of armed conflict and create a budget to be utilized in resolving the economic and social crises.
• Implementation of justice, which includes:
– Holding the perpetrators of genocide and human rights violation and abuses accountable.
– Restoring and reclaiming of looted and laundered public funds.
– Compensation of victims.
– Reinstatement of those suspended and the improvement of their situation.
• Achieve comprehensive reconciliation so as to serve the national interest.
• Reconciliation of war-torn areas.
• Halt the deterioration and collapse of the state by rebuilding national institutions to ensure civil service, judiciary and university independence, so as to shift from a state of war to a state of homeland.
• Put an end to economic collapse and reconstruct the economic landscape to ensure an end to corruption and excessive waste of funds on wars, politics, and security.
• Create economic policies based on the balanced demands for and requirements of sustainability and development.
• Ensure the allocation of resources to the benefit of health, education, clean water, housing, social welfare and employment.
• Provide security and basic services to create a hospitable climate for the return and accommodation of refugees and the displaced to their homelands and to compensate them fairly.
• Filter out the legacy of a regime that humiliates and degrades women in law, media, education, and culture, and ensure gender equality in dignity and rights.
• Economically and politically empower women and ensure their involvement and participation in decision making by no less than 30%.
• Rebuild educational, cultural and media sectors on the basis of democracy, knowledge, values, and equality in dignity regardless of gender, ethnicity, religion or language.
• Pursue foreign policy that stems from the interests of the Sudanese people and abides by international legitimacy.
• Build strategic relationships with South Sudan and regional neighbors, and build balanced international relations that are based on non-interference in affairs and respect of citizens’ interests.
• Hold an international conference to support Sudan in achieving the goals of the transitional period.
• Hold a national constitutional conference regionally.
• The signatories of this proposal pledge to undertake a democratic constitution that ensures the international human rights covenants and the rights of marginalized regions to equally and fairly divide resources and power, taking the shape of a federal government. We also pledge to reach an agreement on how to rule Sudan, and to create a permanent democratic constitution.
• Conduct an impartial and professional population census.
• Organize free and fair elections with international monitoring.

October 2013

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