Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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SPLM urges members to reunite to win support in Unity state

October 4, 2013 (BENTIU) – South Sudan’s ruling party launched its caucus meeting in Unity state on Thursday in a bid to reunite its members across the oil-rich state’s nine counties.

Map of South Sudan's Unity State.
Map of South Sudan’s Unity State.
The Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM), which has governed South Sudan since 2005, has lost some support national and particularly in Unity state since independence from Sudan in 2011 due to the government’s failure to deliver basic services.

Caretaker governor Joseph Nguen Monytuel, while addressing SPLM caucus in Unity state on Thursday called for unity within the party members before they headed to their areas to explain the former rebel group’s mission and vision.

Monytuel said that South Sudan president Salva Kiir – who is also the SPLM’s chairperson – appointment him to replace the elected governor Taban Deng Gai in order to continue implementing the party’s policies.

“I have no tribe and my tribe is SPLM, and this slogan must be in everyone minds”, said the caretaker governor.

Monytuel urged SPLM members to unite and reach out to rural areas to persuade people to trust the party’s objectives.

“SPLM is aware of your entire situation, but SPLM must give congratulation to those who are unseated and we still aim to do or improve services in future”, added Monytuel.

The governor told SPLM caucus members that the SPLM as a party must be there and it will be there for years to come. President Kiir said recently that the SPLM would be in power for over 100 years while urging politicians not to agitate for better positions on a trip to Western Bahr el Ghazal.

The SPLM caucus meeting decided that fundraising should be a to be priority but some members accused officials within the SPLM secretariat of financial impropriety.

Member’s contributions are thought to be worth tens of thousands South Sudanese Pounds every month but members have become concerned about where the funds have been spent.

The five hour meeting was only attended journalists from government-owned Bentiu FM 99 as reporters from UN-run Miraya FM and Naath FM were banned from attending.

This is not the first time Unity state officials have expelled journalists not affiliated to government media outlets from such events.


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