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Sudan Tribune

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US warns of terror attack in Uganda

October 17, 2013 (KAMPALA) – The US embassy in Uganda has warned of a possible terror attack in Kampala akin to the recent hostage crisis on a shopping mall in Nairobi, Kenya.

In a message posted on its website on Wednesday, the embassy said it was assessing reports that terrorists plan to strike the Ugandan capital.

‘‘The U.S. Embassy in Kampala continues to assess reports that a Westgate-style attack may soon occur in Kampala,’’ the message partly read.

‘‘Embassy officials are sharing all information with the Ugandan authorities. At this time, there is no further information on timing and/or location of this attack, ‘it added.

On 21 September, terrorists struck the Israeli owned Westgate mall in Nairobi killing over 67 people and injuring 175.

The attack was claimed by the Somali militant group, Al-Shabaab.

Following the attack on Kenya, Uganda’s Chief of Defence Forces Gen Katumba Wamala said security services in Uganda had been put on alert to avert possible terror attacks.

In the terror alert on Uganda, the US embassy said it would continuously inform its citizens in the country about the possible terror threat and other potential threats. It also said it had shared intelligence with the Ugandan authorities on the terror threat.

Both Uganda and Kenya have troops in Somalia under the auspices of the African Union (AU). The Al-Shabaab said it attacked Kenya because of alleged abuses by Kenyan soldiers in Somalia. Uganda and Kenya have both been attacked before by Al-Shabaab.


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