Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Sudan’s ruling party confident on sweeping victory in 2015 elections

January 5, 2014 (KHARTOUM) – The ruling National Congress Party (NCP) in Sudan expressed confidence that it will achieve a landslide victory in the 2015 general elections.

NCP logo
NCP logo
The spokesperson of the NCP political sector Qubais Ahmed al-Mustafa noted his party’s win in the recent elections held at the lawyers syndicate which he said gave his party the boost for next year’s presidential and parliamentary polls.

Al-Mustafa said that the NCP started the campaign of rebuilding the party which will last until next October all over the country.

The NCP official called on political forces to start dialogue on national issues to reach understandings on a peaceful exchange of power and political communication leading to comprehensive solutions that can be reached through consensus on the constitution.

Sudan’s opposition parties call for establishing a transitional government and holding a national conference with the participation of rebel groups to discuss a peaceful solution for the conflicts in Darfur region, South Kordofan, and Blue Nile states.

The interim government would organize general elections once a political agreement on constitutional matters is reached, inaugurating a new democratic regime. But the NCP rejects this proposal saying opposition parties must simply prepare for the 2015 elections and that rebels should sign first peace accords.


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