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Sudan Tribune

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USAID and Sudan sign MoU on 5-year development projects

April 3, 2014 (KHARTOUM) – The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) on Thursday signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Sudanese government on facilitating the implementation of development project for the next five years.

USAID mission director Lawrence Meserve exchange signed MoU with SudanUndersecretary at the Ministry of Finance Youssef Abdulla al-Hussein in Khartoum April 4, 2014 (USAID)
USAID mission director Lawrence Meserve exchange signed MoU with SudanUndersecretary at the Ministry of Finance Youssef Abdulla al-Hussein in Khartoum April 4, 2014 (USAID)
Khartoum was represented by its Undersecretary at the Ministry of Finance Youssef Abdulla al-Hussein while the USAID mission director Lawrence Meserve signed the MoU from the American side.

In a statement, the USAID said that its development assistance is closely aligned with Sudan’s Five-Year Strategic Plan (2012-2016), and aims to support the citizens of Sudan to promote peace, stability and development.

“USAID will support activities in Sudan that lay the foundation for long-term development, including: strengthening local peace building efforts and expertise; strengthening links between state and civil society, including nongovernmental organizations; and bolstering the links between communities and local governing institutions, such as state-level ministries, community-based organizations, Native Administrations and other key institutions,” the press release said.

“USAID development programming will promote peace and stability among communities through activities such as vocational training, livelihoods and income-generation activities, and fostering the ability of local entities to provide basic services to communities in need. In line with Sudanese and USAID priorities, funding will also help enhance the role of youth and women in peace building.”.

The agency noted that USAID humanitarian and development assistance to Sudan amounted to more than $270 million for the 12-month period October 1, 2012 through September 30, 2013.

“This is the first MOU that USAID has signed with Sudan since 2009, and it signals an important strengthening of our technical relationship with our colleagues at the Ministry of Finance and National Economy. This agreement also indicates the continued commitment of the American people to the people of Sudan,” USAID head of mission said.

Despite comprehensive economic sanctions imposed on Sudan by the US since 1997, USAID says that remains the largest provider of assistance to Sudan.


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