Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

PR issued by the IGAD on permanent ceasefire between GoS & SPLM/A

NAIROBI, July 28, 2004 (SUNA) — Following the Sudan News Agency publishes text of the press release issued by the IGAD Secretariat on Peace in the Sudan at the conclusion of the session of negotiations between the Government of Sudan and Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) on permanent cease-fire agreement:- “Nairobi, 28th. July, 2004

1/ Negotiations on permanent cease-fire modalities during the pre-interim and interim period between the Government of the Sudan and the Sudan People’s liberation Movement/ Army (SPLM/A) commenced here in Nairobi from 21st. June- 28th. July 2004

2/ The session was a consequence of the Agreement on Security Arrangements, which was signed on 25th. September, 2003 between the two parties and witnessed by H.E. Ali Osman Taha, the First vice President of the Republic of the Sudan and Dr. John Garang De Mabior, the Chairman of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army, that marked a decisive movement in ending the Sudan conflict

3/The parties had determined in the security agreement the basic principles on; the status of the two armed forces, the redeployment and creation of joint/ integrated forces, command and control of the two armies, common military doctrine, status of other armed groups and how to deal with other national security organs and the police.

4/ During this session, the parties engaged and made substantial progress by working out the details of permanent cease -fire agreement and reached important understandings on the cease -fire zones, time of entry into force of the cease-fire agreement, monitoring and verification of the agreement, military mission and mandate, composition of the joint defence board, status of joint/ integrated units and committed themselves to a credible, transparent and effective DDR process which will support the ex-combatants’ transition to a productive civilian life.

5/ The parties further reiterated their commitment to the inclusivity of other armed groups and political forces becoming part of the peace process and playing a role thereto contributing to the sustenance of the peace agreement.

6/ In the meantime, the parties agreed to deposit the document on the understandings reached with the IGAD Secretariat and agreed to continue consultations on the outstanding issues.

7/ The parties have also agreed that the next session of negotiations on implementation modalities, international and regional guarantees shall commence immediately after the successful completion of the consultations and the signing of the protocol on permanent cease-fire and security arrangement details.

8/ The mediators congratulated the parties for the understandings reached and acknowledged the important role play by the resource people and the international community, particularity the IGAD Partners’ Forum (IPF) during this session. They urged the parties to remain focused and flexible as they works through this final phase of peace process.”

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