Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Lakes state minister dies after unexpected illness

July 23, 2014 (Rumbek) – Authorities in the Lakes state capital Rumbek are mourning the death of Alpayo Adet Majuong, the state minister for agriculture, fishery, forestry and animal resources.

State employees were shocked after learning of Majuong’s death on Wednesday morning, which was also confirmed by the minister for information, Marik Nanga Marik.

According to information provided to Sudan Tribune by the state government, family members rushed Majuong to Rumbek hospital on Tuesday night after he complained of stomach pain, but he was later pronounced dead.

A full medical report has yet to be released.

While the state government has not announced a day of mourning for Majuong, it did grant permission for his body to be transported to the headquarters of Nyang county for burial.


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