Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Zimbabwe, South Sudan agree on teacher exchange program

July 30, 2014 (JUBA) – The South Sudanese and Zimbabwean ministers of education say a teaching exchange program agreed between the two countries would provide benefits for both teachers and students.

Lazarus Dokora, the Zimbabwean minister of primary and secondary schools, said English and science teachers will be the first to participate in the program.

“We think that there will be a scope for collaboration between the Republic of South Sudan and the Republic of Zimbabwe in the area that I lead in my country,” said Dokora while speaking at Juba Girls Secondary school on Tuesday.

The minister said teachers will be able to teach for as long as 12 months, without elaborating on when the program would commence.

South Sudan’s minister of education, John Gai, said the program would benefit pupils as well as teachers shifting from Arabic to English, which is now the language of instruction in schools.

Gai also announced the construction of a computer laboratory and library at Juba Girls Secondary School.

South Sudan adopted English as the language of instruction in schools and public offices after gaining independence from Sudan in July 2011.


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