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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Beyond the thinking hillock of Sudan’s security apparatus

By Mahmoud A. Suleiman

September 30, 2014 – The following article is an attempt to analyse of what the Chiefs of Military, Intelligence and Security Devices of the National Congress Party (NCP) regime discussed at their meeting and the effect of that on the course of the immediate and the next phase of the Sudanese politics. Moreover, the article also tries to address the position of the effect of that on the positions of the components of the Sudanese political opposition, within their multiple goals and sub-divided based on unclear national lines. Furthermore, this is taking into consideration and bearing in mind that the regime of the (NCP) as if it were saying I’m going to implement what has already been decided whether the divided opposition likes it or not; Fête accompli Deed is Done! Willy-nilly!

American expert specialist in Sudanese affairs

While we are on this subject, we must express our deep gratitude to the American Professor Expert in Sudanese Affairs, Eric Reeves and his untiring support for the rights of the Sudanese people and his defense especially his unchanged position with the issue of the people of Sudan in the Darfur region in particular. We know for fact that Professor Reeves continue playing that role over the past decade or so for the sake of human rights and trying to lift the injustice done to the victims and survivors of the horrors of wars waged by the National Islamic Front (NIF)/(NCP) government on the defenseless people in Sudan.

Having said that, let us come to facts emanating from the meeting of the Security Chiefs, go deep inside in preparation for analysis to find out the conspiracy behind to deceive the Sudanese public and the opposition, both peaceful, and armed. The importance of the meeting and the seriousness of its outputs lie in the positions of the personalities who attended the meeting, and the level of their military, security and political ranks in the pecking order of the (NCP) regime. That any opinion issued by a member, in his capacity in the meeting, is binding on the helm of the regime to accept, stick to and literally implement without delay or change. Because they are in the form of orders issued by a group of high-ranking military and security personnel.

The decisions and views of far– reaching political dimensions that came out of that unique meeting in regard to the political future of the country as follows in my recollection:
• The importance of the meeting rests on involving highest military and security personnel and held at the Faculty of National Defense under the umbrella of the security and the military committee, took place on Sunday, August 31st, 2014, prior to the Anniversary of the September 23 Popular Uprising.
• The meeting attended by all the influential people in the including General Bakri Hassan Salih, the first deputy, Gen. Abdul Rahim Mohamed Hussein defense minister, Gen. Mohammed Atta, Director of the National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS), General Hashim Osman Hussein, director general of the police forces, General Hashim Abdullah Mohammed, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff , Lieutenant- General Engineer Imad Eddin Adawi Chief of Staff joint Operations, Professor Ibrahim Ghandour Deputy National Congress Party, Lieutenant General Yahiya Mohamed Khair Minister of State for defense, Lieutenant General Siddiq Amir Director of intelligence and security, Lieutenant General Al-Rasheed Fagirey Director of People’s Security, Abdullah Al-Jaili general coordinator of People’s Defense, Abdelgader Mohammed Zain Coordinator of the National Service.
• Many of the views and ideas put forward in the meeting seemed to have been reiterated and included in the Speech of the NCP President Field Marshal Omer Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir addressing his party members the 26 September 2014. Al-Bashir conveyed his regime’s intentions to deal with the turbulent Sudanese politics while going forward to the April 2015 elections he believes protect him from the predicaments of crimes he has committed and the consequences waiting.
• The proceedings of the meeting revealed serious information about the policies of the so-called ‘Salvation’/NCP regime in dealing with both internal and external issues of paramount importance.
• With regard to the internal politics, the regime’s attention focuses, understandably, on the rebel movements. The meeting spoke proudly about the success of the Security and intelligence Services to penetrate the privacy of certain individuals among the armed movements by planting women in their midst to gather intelligence material with unrivalled success. Furthermore, their intelligence scored successes to know the preferred type of wine for each one of those whose privacy was hacked, and the fictional conversations when drunk. They also claimed that they were able to infiltrate the rebel movements electronically and follow all of their movements and contacts with people at home.
• The attendees of the meeting also said they are working to sow differences and divisions within the Sudanese Revolutionary Front (SRF) for weakening and destroying it. The same policy will be applied to the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), the Eastern Front (EF), and the National Umma Party (NUP). Furthermore, they boasted that their intelligence has collected all the information about the cadres of the SPLM-north and they are working on the campaign of psychological warfare on them for dividing them like the Sudan People’s Liberation Army/ Movement (SPLMA) in the Republic of South Sudan.
• The meeting did not hide its inherent fears in demonstrations and the uprising. They considered them part of the regime’s numerous red lines and that the participant in protests will face bullets and live ammunition. Similar to that happened in September 2013 when riot forces opened fire on the demonstrators, they stopped any more rallies out of fear and only issued statements and talks about the ongoing military operations at the time.
• When the question came about the elections, the Defense Minister Abdelrahim Mohammed Hussein said the demonstrations, which planned during the next election in April 2015, constitute a crime; we will deal with it firmly and in a timely manner.
• Not only that which is preoccupying the conferees, but the biggest concern is in the journalist or politician who dare criticising the Rapid Support Forces (RSF). The security forces arrest and charge them with espionage and collaboration with the enemy.
• As an extension of the crime of starvation for genocide, the Meeting decided to launch attack on the war affected areas before harvest to destroy food stores by bombing them completely surrounded). Not only that, the Internally Displaced People (IDP) camps that create a cause for concern to the international community and remaining threat to the regime’s security must witness evacuation and dismantling.
• The meeting reiterated the basic discussion of the topic of concern to the regime and haunts its bed at night. That is obviously the general election in April 2015. They said that the only purpose for the National Dialogue (WATHBA) is to lead to the holding of the elections in a timely manner. Therefore, there is No postponement of the elections, whatever the case may be. Lieutenant General Salah al-Tayeb of Disarmament Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) said that he has met the ambassadors of the European Union, all of whom support the dialogue initiative.
• Defense Minister General Abdul Rahim Mohammed Hussein said that he met Thabo Mbeki who will participate in the dialogue from the inside as an observer. Mr. Hussein seemed very optimistic about the Dialogue he claims it has support of Zaatari of the (United Nations) and us well as Salah Halima of (Arab League), , and Haile Menkerios, both of whom are with the Wathba!
• In the Foreign Policy, Iran is the staunch ally for the (NCP) regime because of the shared network with the global Islamic movements, according to the statements of the People’s Security manager, Lieutenant General al-Rasheed Fagirey.
• The meeting reiterated repeatedly the importance of the eternal relationship with Iran. They repeated that the relationship with Iran as strategic and is not subject to change. It must be maintained from any threats and must be managed through military and security devices. Gen. Bakri Hassan Salih, First Vice President of the Republic, confirmed this.
• The dentist and Political Secretary of the (NCP), Mustafa Osman Ismail, better referred to satirically as the ‘prodigy child’, reported as saying, let’s keep good relations with the countries of the Gulf, but with Iran as strategic ally and manage it secretly through the military and security devices.
• Gen. Bakri Hassan Saleh disclosed the secret support the (NCP) offers to the rival rebel opposition-leader Dr. Riek Machar through asking all departments to provide all the hardware required and provides protection and security for them. This confirms without doubt what the Sudanese opposition forces used to say, but taken as rumours, that Omer al-Bashir regime supports Riek Machar against the government of President Salva Kiir.
• On the International Islamic Jihadist terrorist front, the NCP Security Chiefs’ group declared openly their absolute cooperation and alliance with Islamic terrorist organizations in Libya. Moreover, they said that Egyptians have no choice but to establish a special relationship with their regime, especially in the wake of the Islamist’ victory in the Battle of Tripoli, despite support of the Egyptian for the retired Major General Haftar. The meeting boastingly said that the Egyptians would not dare to open two Fighting fronts.
• The Group at the meeting showed blatant breach of diplomatic relations with countries that they exchanged Relations. In that, they said all embassies and consulates in Khartoum infiltrated, and that the regime’s members are raising reports on whoever visiting embassies and those staff transferred from embassies and to where they went.

Although and in spite of the length of the proceedings of the meeting of the leaders of the army and the intelligence and security services and the powerful influential cares belonging to the Government of the National Congress Party, but what preoccupies the regime and irks its sleep are specific issues that can be summarised in the following paragraph:
1) The NCP regime’s reliance on the April 2015 Elections as a crucial factor for survival is clear
2) The alleged National Dialogue is a running comedy saga for distracting the Sudanese people and the opposition forces away from the core issues that concern the public
3) The regime seems reassured by the international community’s support of the national dialogue especially in light of the concern of the Western countries with what is happening in Iraq and the Levant region and the atrocities committed by the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).
4) The regime feels reassured about its fate of being ousted in the presence of the militia Rapid Support Force (RSF) in the city of Khartoum and surroundings. It is not easy if not impossible for the Sudanese Revolutionary Forces (SRF) entering Khartoum as did the rebel group, the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) on 10 May 2008 through the Operation Long Arm (OLA).
5) The regime firmly believes that there will be no place for popular uprising because the same repressive methods of September 23, 2013 will be applied by the security elements in the future.
6) The regime feels his back is shielded by the law indicting opponents for treason and espionage in favour of foreigners in spite of desertion of some of his former opposition allies.
7) The NCP regime tries finding the best way in dealing with the neighbouring Arab states such as Egypt and the United Arab Emirates at the expense of the Jihadist movements in Libya, while Iran remains a strategic ally in all cases. Moreover, the documents reveal considerable disagreements especially about the relationship strategy with Iran. Lieutenant General Abdelgader Mohammed Zeen, National Service Coordinator indicated that the regime thinks that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia cannot be trusted but it depends on our ability to circumvent especially after the Saudis classified the Muslim Brothers as terrorists. The participants felt that the relationship with Iran, a vital issue in spite of the potential for problems with Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. On this point, the First Deputy Vice President General Bakri Hassan Saleh felt the foregoing issue is the most stringent of the elements though it is not necessary to agree on every point of discussed in the meeting.
In my concluding remarks I say Democracy remains the solution to the Crises in Sudan but only comes at a high cost of self-sacrifice, which the martyrs of the September 23, 2013 uprising offered so that others live within the confines of Freedom.

Dr. Mahmoud A. Suleiman is an Author, Columnist and a Blogger. His blog is

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