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Sudan Tribune

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Sudanese government says not aware of Darfur talks resumption

December 29, 2014 (KHARTOUM) – Sudan’s chief negotiator for peace in Darfur region, Amin Hassan Omer Monday said they were not informed by the mediation of the resumption of negotiations with the rebel groups next January

Head of Darfur peace office Amin Hassan Omer (C) speaks at the opening session for peace talks on Darfur  conflict in Addis Ababa on 23 Nov 2014 (Courtesy photo / AUHIP)
Head of Darfur peace office Amin Hassan Omer (C) speaks at the opening session for peace talks on Darfur conflict in Addis Ababa on 23 Nov 2014 (Courtesy photo / AUHIP)
In a series of meetings held in Addis Ababa, delegations from the Sudanese government; Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), and Sudan Liberation Movement Minni-Minnawi (SLM-MM) failed to reach an agreement over the security arrangements, humanitarian issues and ways to join the national dialogue.

On 4 December, the mediation adjourned indefinitely the discussions, as Khartoum refused to include on the agenda of the negotiations matters related to the region the rebels described as “core issues”, such as land (Hawakeer), borders and nomad issues, compensation, refugees and IDPs and reconstruction and development issues.

Amin Hassan Omer who is also the chair of Darfur peace implementation office told the semi-official news service, SMC, that “the government did not receive any notification from the African Union High-Level Implementation Panel (AUHIP) about the resumption of negotiations in Addis Ababa”.

Omer further said they are willing to engage in dialogue with the rebels, provided that “the agenda of negotiations be about the ceasefire”, adding that the Doha Document for Peace in Darfur (DDPD) should be the base for all peace agreements on Darfur conflict.

The AUHIP announced the resumption of talks between the government and the SPLM-N over the Blue Nile and South Kordofan on 15 January.

It was also reported that the mediation was preparing the resumption of Darfur track, as its mandate provides that the bicameral process should be conducted in a synchronised manner.

Omer also announced that the international follow-up committee for the DDPD implementation will meet in the capital of South Darfur state, Nyala.

The international follow-up body which is chaired by Qatar, includes Sudan’s government, the Liberation and Justice Movement, (LJM), JEM Dabajo, African Union, Arab League, Burikna Faso Chad, Egypt and UN five permanent members as well as UNAMID.


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