Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Sudan’s ruling party supports release of POWs: a l-Sa’ihoon

January 4, 2014 (KHARTOUM) – Al-Sa’ihoon Islamist Sunday group said the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) supports their initiative to secure the release of 20 prisoners of war held by the rebel Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N).

A delegation of the former Islamist fighters met on Sunday with the NCP political secretary , Mustafa Osman Ismail to discuss the position of the ruling party on their initiative as the SPLM-N expressed fears that the Red Cross fails to get the needed authorisation for a plane to transport the detained soldiers from the rebel held areas.

“The support of the NCP for the release of the prisoners initiative came as a humanitarian and moral principle away from any political speculations, and according to the experiences and established norms on the exchange of prisoners,” said al-Sa’ihoon spokesperson, Ali Osman, in a statement released following the meeting.

“Dialogue is the best option to find effective solutions for the crises of the country and to stop the war between the sons of the nation,” Osman further said.

The rebels said they need an authorisation for the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to collect the POWs from Yabus in the Blue Nile state and Kaoda in the South Kordofan state.

Ismail had already welcomed the release of prisoners but, others officials in the ruling party voiced their objection to the move saying it should be conducted within a security arrangements deal with the rebels.

The government and rebel delegations are expected to resume within two weeks talks on a framework agreement to end the over three-year conflict in the Two Areas.


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