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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan’s rebel leadership unveil plan to enlist more fighters

February 2, 2015 (JUBA) – South Sudan’s rebel leadership have announced plans to embark on concerted recruitment drive across the country in bid to boost its ranks.

Rebel fighters aligned with former vice-president Riek Machar march through a village inside rebel-controlled territory in South Sudan’s Upper Nile state on 9 February 2014 (Photo: Reuters)
Rebel fighters aligned with former vice-president Riek Machar march through a village inside rebel-controlled territory in South Sudan’s Upper Nile state on 9 February 2014 (Photo: Reuters)
Abdalla Kuot, spokesperson for rebel fighters under the overall command of General Dau Aturjong, told Sudan Tribune that the movement’s top priorities remained “the issue of human dignity, fair treatment and equitable distribution of wealth, power and adopting democratic ideals and good governance”.

“The other issue is the system of governance and you know one of the demands made by the people of South Sudan in [the] 1947 Juba conference was the issue of federalism, because in the back of their minds, federalism was not about division of people, but rather taking the government closer to the people and to allow them [to] take complete charge of issues of their concern,” Kuot said in an exclusive interview from an undisclosed location on Monday.

“Federalism is all about participation and involvement of the local people in the decision-making processes and policy matters,” he added.

Kuot said the rebel faction under the leadership of former vice-president Riek Machar planned to intensify its recruitment efforts in and outside South Sudan

He said the aim is to boost the ranks of rebel fighters and push pro-government forces out of strategic towns and areas, as well increase pressure on the country’s ruling party (SPLM) to accept a peaceful settlement to the crisis.

“We now have more than 10 active fronts. There are already more than three major fronts in Bahr el Ghazal and another front in Lakes state will soon go into operation,” he said.

The newly appointed Lakes state commander, Major General Khamis Abdel Latif, will soon join forces in the field.

He will be tasked with leading a mass mobilisation and recruitment campaign.

“We need more fighters to join the movement,” Kuot explained.

The leading opposition figure has also welcomed the outbreak of a fresh rebellion in Western Equatoria, describing the development as the people’s patriotic choice.

He said the rebel faction’s leadership had already spoken to the leaders of the new group and offered their support.

“Our leadership has already spoken to comrades who decided to pursue one of the ways to rescue this country from total collapse. We welcome their decision. They are our comrades. They are fighting for the same cause. Our objectives are their objectives; to dismantle the dictatorial regime in Juba and establish a democratic system,” he said.


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