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Sudan Tribune

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S. Sudan rebels assign senior officers, establish more counties

February 23, 2015 (ADDIS ABABA) – The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement in Opposition (SPLM-IO) has assigned more senior military officers and civil administrators, also creating more counties for the newly established federal states in territories largely under its control.

Machar’s spokesman, James Gatdet Dak, said the move comes in accordance with implementation of the resolutions of Pagak consultative conference, which the rebel group convened from 6 to 12 December last year.

In the latest appointment orders signed by the chairman and commander-in-chief of the SPLM-IO, Riek Machar, a number of directorates for the rebel military command were effected.

In the office of the deputy-chief of general staff for operations, a military operations group was established. Brigadier General Peter Thok Chuol Luak has been appointed director for directorate of operations, while Brigadier General Thoi Chaany has been named the director general of national security and general intelligence service. Brigadier General Deng Yie Thanypiny will head the directorate of signal and electronic warfare.

Brigadier General Buony Muon Tayaw has been appointed as director for directorate of moral and orientation in the office of the deputy chief of general staff for moral orientation, while Brigadier General Makuach Teny Yoak has been named the director for the SPLA inspectorate.

Brigadier General Kamal Lomi Yago has been appointed Director for SPLA production unit, while Brigadier General Duoth Nhial Puoch will head the directorate for training, and Major General Karlo Kuol Ruach has been named the director for directorate of logistics.

In the military administration group, Brigadier General Gatkhor Gatluak Koryom has been appointed director for directorate of administration and finance and Brigadier General Chuol Gakah Yier will head the directorate of officers and personal affairs.

Brigadier General Stephen Gawar Manyok is to take on the role of director for the directorate of the war wounded affairs, with Dr Stephen Chuol Diing to head the directorate of medical corps and Brigadier General William Kuol Chol the directorate of military justice.


While the rebel leader’s spokesperson explained that counties for other newly established federal states would also be established after the completion of consultations, the rebel leader has effected creation of counties for other states in the former greater Upper Nile region.

In the newly rebel established Fashoda state of the Shilluk community in Upper Nile, counties established include Manyo county to be headquartered in Wadakona, Akorwa in Kaka, Wij-Rek in Kodok, Makal in Malakal, Pijo in Doleib Hill, Panyikango in Pakaa and Tango in Tongo.

In Adar state which combines Jikany Nuer sections, Dinka sections and Burun communities, the following counties have been established and commissioners appointed: Pagak – Gatwech Riek Nguet, Jekou – James Tharjiath Khor, Maiwut – Nhial Koak Bidit, Thoch – Yop Pidor Deng, Malual – James Gatwech Banban, Pamach – Lam Dhurjaak Bum, Longechuk – Dak Tut Dei, Kaijak – Thomas Tut B Thoan, Buony – Moses Tuwa Malla Manga, Ben Shawa – Andrew Saga Dang and Dar Shagya – Stephen Tik Chan Yach. Meanwhile, commissioners have yet to be appointed for Melut, Panomdit, Renk, Jalhak and Geiger counties.

For Pibor state which combines Murle, Anyuak and Jie tribes, 11 counties have been established which include: Tiernam to be headquartered in Okwiny Wing, Adongo East in Pochalla, Adong West in Pogilo Oluoch, Nyikani in Omila, Lokwangole in Lokwangole, Gogolthin in Pibor, Gumuruk in Vuver, Vertet in Limar, Maruwo in Nyareng-Ngodo, Buma in Itti and longochar in Yod.

In Sobat state, which inhabits Jikany Nuer and Dinka communities, the establishment of the following counties has been effected: Malou, Nasir, Wanding, Thorow, Kewer, Yomding, Ulang, Doma, Baliet, Abwong and Akoka.

For Bieh state, comprising Greater Akobo and Lou Nuer communities, 10 counties have been established, including Akobo East to be headquartered in Akobo town, Akobo Centre in Kuer Cieng Diew, Akobo West in Walgak, Uror in Pieri, Padiek in Yuai, Pulchol in Pathai, Yol in Mortot, Nyirol East in Lanken, Nyirol North in Pul Turuk and Nyirol North in Pading.

The SPLM-IO leadership has also appointed Akol Madhan Akol as governor of Northern Bahr el Ghazal state, while Magai Manyok Akochdit and Stephen Mach Malual have bene named the representative and deputy representative to Australia, respectively. Gatluak Riek Jaak has been appointed as a roaming ambassador for the diaspora.


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