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Sudan Tribune

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S. Sudan rebels claim destruction of government ferry

March 14, 2015 (KAMPALA) – A spokesperson for the South Sudan’s armed opposition faction claimed their forces bombed and destroyed on Friday a ferry used by pro-government forces to launch offensives against their forces in the strategic Upper Nile state.

Rebel fighters hold their weapons as they march through a village in rebel-controlled territory in South Sudan’s Upper Nile state on 9 February 2014 (Photo: Reuters)
Rebel fighters hold their weapons as they march through a village in rebel-controlled territory in South Sudan’s Upper Nile state on 9 February 2014 (Photo: Reuters)
Captain Malith Koang Riaw said the incident occurred in Manyo county, a region better known as the Shilluk Kingdom.

He said the ship was at the time ferrying Ugandan troops fighting along government forces, a claim Sudan Tribune could not verify.

“Between Wednesday and Friday, we were attacked by the government forces in some [parts] of Manyo county’s northern payams after we tactically withdrew from Wedakona,” Riaw said Saturday.

“We instead engaged them and managed to chase them back. We bombed a tank and a ship that transported the UPDF [Uganda People’s Defense Froces] and Funj militias to fight us in Wedakona”, he added.

The incident comes a week after the armed opposition forces claimed to have tactically withdrawal from Wedakona following clashes with the pro-government army.
Riaw accused the UPDF-backed pro-government forces of allegedly carrying out several attacks on to the armed opposition positions in Unity and Upper Nile states.

“It is quite clear that we withdraw from the town due to the fact that we need the logistics that the enemy brought to Wedakona and for that matter our gallantry soldiers are now ululating with the high morale to regain control of Wedakona headquarter,” boasted Riaw.

Wedakona was a rebel-controlled area until its recapture last week.

The armed opposition spokesperson dismissed as false reports that the rebels were being militarily aided by the Sudanese government.

“This is wrong [information] from those who claim Sudan is helping us with weapons. All the weapons we use, we capture them from [president] Salva Kiir forces, and even now as I talk, you will hear that we captured more ammunition in matter of time,” he said.

The East African regional mediators adjourned South Sudan’s peace talks after two warring principals failed to reach a deal on 6 March.

Both sides also signed several ceasefire agreement, which are yet to hold in principle.


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