Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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UN voices concern over reports of large-scale displacement in Blue Nile

May 27, 2015 (KHARTOUM) – UN’s resident coordinator in Sudan, Geert Cappelaere, said “very concerned” by reports about significant displacement of civilians in Blue Nile state where the government forces carry out a military campaign on the positions of the rebel Sudan People’s Liberation Movement North (SPLM-N).

Refugees from Blue Nile state arrive at the Yusuf Batil refugee camp in South Sudan’s Upper Nile state on 22 June 2012. The site is currently home to almost 40,000 refugees (Photo: Giulio Petrocco/AFP/Getty Images)
Refugees from Blue Nile state arrive at the Yusuf Batil refugee camp in South Sudan’s Upper Nile state on 22 June 2012. The site is currently home to almost 40,000 refugees (Photo: Giulio Petrocco/AFP/Getty Images)
In a statement issued on Wednesday Cappelaere said the large-scale displacement, including forced relocations, is taking place in Bau locality in the western part of Blue Nile state and possibly other areas.

“As conflict has increased in Blue Nile, it continues to be civilians who bear the brunt of this fighting. Humanitarian needs are rapidly rising in Blue Nile, but aid agencies are often not permitted to independently assess humanitarian needs and respond accordingly in the state,” he further said.

SPLM-N rebels said they repulsed a government attack on Thursday 19 May in Kalgo area in Bau town, 45 km west of the Blue Nile state capital, Ed Damazin.

Earlier this month, the rebel group repelled an attack carried out by the Sudanese army against Kalgo. Also, they claimed to have repulsed a third attack against the same area on 23 April.

In a separate statement extended to Sudan Tribune; the Blue Nile Center for Human Rights and Peace (BNCHRP) said that six thousands families, 30.000 civilians, fled their villages as the result of the attacks by the government forces in Bau.

Civilians interviewed by the rights group said the army resorted to scorched earth tactics and destroyed water pumps, sanitation, schools, markets, elimination of livestock and burnt crops.

Cappelaere called to stop violence and to allow humanitarian access to the needy.

“I call on all parties to stop fighting immediately and allow aid agencies to get assistance to people in need, wherever they may be located. These people should not have to suffer,” he said.

The SPLM-N has been fighting the Sudanese army and their aligned militias in South Kordofan since June 2011and Blue Nile states since September of the same year.


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