Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Sudanese security arrests opposition figure

August 5, 2015 (KHARTOUM) – Sudan’s National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) arrested a leading figure in the Sudanese Congress Party (SCoP), the party said today.

Sudanese Congress Party (SCoP) figure Khalid Omar Yusuf (SCoP Facebook page)
Sudanese Congress Party (SCoP) figure Khalid Omar Yusuf (SCoP Facebook page)
SCoP said that the NISS raided the home of Khalid Omar Yusuf on Wednesday morning in al-Gireif suburb of Khartoum and detained him without charges.

Yusuf was identified as the foreign affairs assistant of the SCoP president.

“NISS forcefully took Mr. Yusuf away from his home to an unknown destination without giving valid reasons or producing a proper arrest warrant” SCoP statement said.

“This illegal act comes at a time when the SCP is actively leading a peaceful political effort supported by several parties who are members of the initiative known as “Sudan Call”. The Sudan Call initiative represents the majority of the political forces in Sudan and its members are opposing the National Islamic Front (NIF) government and its military regime in Khartoum”.

“Such brutal tactics of intimidation and blatant violations of human rights by the NIF Government have increasingly become the norm – being perpetrated by the NISS with full Government support. We call upon all members of the international community to condemn the NIF Government for its illegal acts and for its violation of human rights. And we demand the immediate release of Mr. Khalid Omer Yusuf”.


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