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Sudan Tribune

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Resolutions and recommendations of the SPLM-N leadership meeting


Leadership Meeting of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement- North ( SPLM-N)
Final Communique: Resolutions and Recommendations

August 6th, 2015

The Chairperson, the Deputy, and the Secretary General of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM-N): Malik Agar, Abdelaziz Al Hilu and Yasir Arman held an important meeting from July 30th to August 5th 2015. The leadership meeting addressed and reached resolutions and recommendations on the following issues: Preparation for the Meeting of the Leadership Council; Announcement of the End and the Defeat of the Summer Offensives of the Government of Sudan; Political and Economic Crisis; Humanitarian Situation; Assessment of the Military Situation; Regional and International Situation; Peace, Reconciliation and Democracy in the Republic of South Sudan; Political Alliances: Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF) and Sudan Call; The Sudanese Arab Tribes Belt; The Sudanese Islamic Movement; Sudan Army Forces; Sudan People’s Liberation Army; Development and Expansion of SPLM-N Structures; Civil Administration, Commissions, Human Rights, and Sudan Relief and Rehabilitation Agency; Training of Cadres and Capacity Building; The SPLM-N Presence in Government-Control Areas; Media and Mass Communication; Finance; Negotiation and Dialogue, Regime Change and a Comprehensive Solution; Refugees; Prisoners of War; and Final status of the Two Areas.

A Minute of Silent Dedicated to the SPLM’s Founder, Thinker and Martyr Dr John Garang de Mabior
The meeting began with a minute’s silence dedicated to the spirit and memory of the founding leader of the SPLM, the icon of democracy and of the marginalized peoples and the pioneer philosophical and practical mentor of the ‘New Sudan’ vision: Dr John Garang de Mabior. This charismatic leader elevated the SPLM flag, leading the movement from Bor town in 1983 from the depth of South Sudan to the Green Square in the heart of Khartoum in 2005, and his great determination and vision that unite tribes and nations until the last moment of his life.
Dr John Garang de Mabior still represents the point of conversion between the North and the South of Sudans, and his vision is still there to enlighten the road to the future of the two Sudans.
The SPLMN leadership called upon Sudanese and Southern Sudanese people to jointly celebrate the memory of Dr John Garang. He remains the symbol of for those who believe in a (Sudanese union) between two independent states. The SPLMN leadership who fought under his command remain loyal, thankful for his inspiring leadership. The meeting confirmed that the flag raised by Dr John Garang is still flying high: the SPLM in Sudan is here remain to stay in the soil of Sudan, and to contribute with others political forces and civil society in building a country of equal citizenship.

(1) Preparation for the Meeting of the Leadership Council and Announcement of the End and the Defeat of the Summer Offensives by the Government of Sudan
The leadership meeting commenced eight months after the SPLM/A North stood against the military campaigns of the government. Despite the regime’s plentiful resources, propaganda and use of the militia of the Rapid Support Forces, the SPLMN leadership meeting formally announced the defeat of the regime’s summer offensives for the 4th year running since the re-ignition of war against the civilians of Blue Nile and South Kordofan/ Nuba Mountains.
The meeting thoroughly discussed preparations for the next meeting of the Leadership Council, to be held in September in the SPLMN liberated areas. A set of recommendations was adopted to be presented, including renewal of, and structural changes, in the organization of the SPLMN in order to ensure the continuation of its vision and mission as a movement for all Sudanese. The meeting also recommended the expansion of the Movement’s leadership to include SPLM cadres that have stood strongly against defeatist groups, and who have challenged the multiple regime conspiracies that were aimed at eradication of the Movement inside and outside the country.

(2) Political and Economic Crisis
The SPLM-N Leadership Meeting affirmed that the current economic crisis in Sudan is essentially a political crisis. The economic crisis is linked to the policies of the ruling regime that work against Sudan’s poor, and which express the interests of a minority ruling clique, which in turn is dependent on Sudan’s resources to consolidate its rule, through financing wars, corruption, and political and security oppression. The economic crisis is also rooted in the failure of the external policies and relations of a regime that is associated with the agenda of political Islam and the Muslim Brotherhood movement. These external linkages have led to the isolation of Sudan along with accusations of genocide against its head of the state by the International Criminal Court.
The leadership meeting emphasized that the National Congress Party (NCP) regime had destroyed all key pillars of the national economy, including destruction of public, rural, agriculture and service sectors, and had politicized security and civil services. The meeting made clear that regime change is the only solution to resolve the economic crisis and to begin real development based on production and delivery of health, education, water, housing and electricity services to all Sudanese people.
The meeting concluded that ending the economic crisis will be impossible without stopping the ongoing wars, normalizing foreign relations and restoring democratic governance in a State that has genuine popular support and can fairly distribute its resources through development and services rather than wars and repression.
The leadership meeting called upon the Sudanese masses to direct their efforts to removing the fascist rule of the NCP through popular uprising in order to resolve the ongoing crises of education, health, electricity, clean water and to revive genuine national development schemes.

(3) Humanitarian Situation
On the humanitarian situation in Blue Nile and South Kordofan/ Nuba Mountains, the leadership meeting concluded that the deteriorating humanitarian situation cannot be resolved without an end to the continuing aerial bombardment by the government air-force and the opening of humanitarian corridors. The leaders confirmed that any future negotiation with the government of Sudan must first find a solution to the humanitarian crisis, including through a holistic cessation of hostilities in the Two Areas and Darfur.

(4) Assessment of the Military Situation and the expected Summer Offensive by the Regime
The leadership meeting saluted the civilians in South Kordafan/ Nuba Mountains, Blue Nile and Darfur for their resistance to the war crimes and the aerial bombardment of the NCP forces and those of the militia of the Rapid Support Forces, in addition to their courageous long standing resilience in the face of the NCP’s destructive policies. The meeting also praised the refusal of the Messeriya, Hawazma and Kenana Arab tribes to participate in the crimes of the NCP, despite the huge pressure and inducements put on them by the regime. Their stance re-confirmed for the SPLM-N leadership the significance of continuing work towards a new Blue Nile and South Kordofan as part of the broader New Sudan.
The leadership meeting thoroughly assessed the military situation in South Kordafan/ Nuba Mountains, Blue Nile and in Darfur, and adopted a new military plan for the coming government offensives and aggression. The leadership also saluted the rank and files the SPLA-N on the different fronts.

(5) Regional (African and Arab) and International Situation
The leadership meeting extensively discussed the situation in the African and Arab regions and the international context in particular in relation to their impact on the SPLM-N and Sudan in general. The assessment focused on the situations in South Sudan, Ethiopia, the IGAD and other neighboring countries in the region, in addition to the impacts of war in Yemen and the visit of the President of the USA to the region.
The meeting determined to engage with all regional and international actors and situations from a perspective that both serves the interests of the people of Sudan in real political change and maintains the core identity of the SPLM-N as a Sudanese national liberation movement with goals that are supporting the struggle of Sudanese’s people and their national civic and political forces.

(6) Peace, Reconciliation and Democracy in the Republic of South Sudan

The SPLM in Sudan supports peace, reconciliation, democracy and unification of the ruling party, the SPLM in the republic of South Sudan. This support springs from the unique and special position of South Sudan in the hearts and minds of membership of the SPLM-N; martyrs and alives. The leadership meeting updated its information and analysis about the ongoing attempts of the NCP regime in Khartoum to fragment and create instability in the republic South Sudan. The meeting expressed the hope that all leaders in South Sudan unite and work together to end the war in the country as soon as possible, and to achieve reconciliation, consensus and democratic transformation with participation of all vital stakeholders in the South. The leadership meeting concluded that the Arusha agreement and negotiations in Addis Ababa between southern parties should achieve peace, reconciliation and democracy in the republic of South Sudan. We will always wish the best for the people of South Sudan.

(7) Political Alliances: Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF) and Sudan Call
The SPLM-N leadership meeting reaffirmed its commitment to the SRF and Sudan Call alliances as unique achievements for Sudanese people that should be honored and supported. The meeting also called upon the leaders of the SRF to courageously face the problems of the alliance and solve them, and to continue working in changeable realities internally and externally, in the interests of marginalized people and Sudanese in general.
The leadership meeting emphasized that Sudan Call constitutes the highest manifestation of unity of the Sudanese opposition. It called upon Sudan Call signatories not allow any erosion of this unity, and to combat all negative trends, whether coming from inside or outside the alliance. The meeting also stressed the importance of developing and presenting Sudan Call as a real political alternative to the Sudanese people and to open the door for its expansion. It urged Sudan Call to reach agreement on a holistic programmatic document, including structuring Sudan Call forces to strengthen all its parties in their march towards regime change, as foreseen in the alliance document, Road to Popular Uprising.

(8) The Sudanese Arab Tribes Belt
The meeting of the SPLM-N leadership confirmed that Arab tribes located from Blue Nile to Um Dafouq in Darfur are organic to the Sudanese national fabric. The NCP’s regime has used divide and rule colonial tactics to induce these tribes to confront each other, particularly in Darfur. The leadership meeting called upon national forces to stand against this policy.
The meeting was took serious note on the new political dynamics within these tribes, including their new political aspiration and orientation against the regime, in addition to trends emanating from the impact of exploration of gold, oil and other resources. The SPLM-N leadership meeting asserted that there is need for a new vision and collective efforts from the national forces, especially from SRF, to thoroughly study these new dynamics and to develop political and operational plans for direct engagement with those groups working on, and/or interested in, political and societal change.
Taking in consideration the communication and engagement between some of these Arab tribes and the SPLM-N, the leadership meeting proposed the holding of a conference entitled, ‘Arab Tribes and the Building a State of Equal Citizenship’. The SPLM-N will consult closely with its allies in the SRF and Sudan Call parties for the preparation of this conference.

(9) The Sudanese Islamic Movement and its various Trends
The leadership meeting noted the importance of engaging with the various trends of the Sudanese Islamic movement. The meeting alerted opposition parties not to be confused by the connections and linkages between these different groups, including those in the regime, those who desire only limited change, and the fanatic’ trends similar ISIS. Therefore the meeting decided that the position of the SPLM-N’s engaging with the Sudanese Islamic movement will as following:
a. The SPLM-N will engage, and is willing to work together, with Islamists who are interested in limited political change, to develop their positions towards creating equal citizenship and a democratic governance.
b. The ruling Islamists should be overthrown unless they agree on a comprehensive peaceful settlement that manifests national consensus, democracy, change, reconciliation and a state created on equal citizenship.
c. SPLM-N will not engage or compromise with fanatics and followers of ISIS: they should be confronted by all national political and civic forces, and Sudanese people as they are representing a serious danger to the Sudanese national fabric. The SPLM-N has been alerting many African leaders about this group and its multiple connections with the ruling Islamists in Sudan, and the danger they pose to the internal unity and cohesion of African societies as the case in Nigeria.

(10) Sudan Army Forces (SAF)
The SPLM-N has a historic position on Sudan Army Forces (SAF), and the long process of politicization that it has undergone for decades. Nevertheless the SPLM-N still believes that there is a stream of nationalist groups inside the army which is interested in political change. Although their voices are silent they are not satisfied with been neglected and marginalized for the sake of national security and the elevation of tribal militias such as rapid support forces. The leadership meeting take notice of SPLM-N has ongoing communication and exchange of messages with these elements and expressed its readiness to work with them in order to end civil wars, halt the suffering of Sudanese people, and prevent the collapse of the Sudanese state.

(11) Development and Expansion of SPLM-N Structures
The leadership meeting agreed on set of recommendations on the development of the Leadership Council of the movement, including: expansion of the Council’s membership; establishment of an executive body and formation of a national liberation council. These bodies will be enriched by the promotion of new leaders from amongst the women and men who managed to carry the burden of the last years.

(12) Sudan People’s Liberation Army ( SPLA-N)
The leadership meeting decided to appoint comrade Jacod Mekouar Murada as Chief of Staff of the SPLA-N, in addition to his command of the first front. Comrade Jacod Mekouar will replace comrade Commander Abdelaziz Adam Al Hilu who has contributed uncountable service to the SPLA-N and the SPLM-N, and managed with his leadership to consistently defeat the NCP forces and militias for the last four years. The appointment is part of overall plan to promote a new generation to lead on both the SPLA-N and the SPLM-N.
The leadership meeting appointed Commander Abdelaziz Adam Al Hilu as Deputy Commander in Chief of the SPLA in Sudan. As part of preparation for the coming summer offensives of the regime, the leadership meeting also appointed a new staff for the Chief of general Staff.

(13) Civil Administration, Specialized Commissions, Legal Department, Human Rights, and Sudan Relief and Rehabilitation Agency ( SRRA)
The leadership meeting decided to engage in a broad renewal and development of all civil administrative bodies, inside and outside the liberated areas. New and old cadres will lead these institutions, including through reshuffle of appointments. Specific proposals will be presented to the Leadership Council for the development of the SPLM-N’s civilian bodies at its next meeting in September.

(14) Training of Cadres and Capacity Building
The leadership meeting was briefed on the training, capacity building and political education that had been conducted and benefited hundreds of cadres in the liberated areas and externally. The meeting assigned the Vice President and General Secretary of the Movement to ensure the establishment of political and professional training body.

(15) The SPLM-N Presence in Government-Control Areas
The leadership meeting reviewed what have been achieved in the government-controlled areas. The student, youth, women and states sectors were thoroughly discussed. The meeting decided to continue these efforts and to connect them with the Movement’s other bodies, including ensure the contribution of these sectors in the decision-making processes and in the building of the Movement more broadly. The meeting emphasized that the development of the SPLM-N in the government-controlled areas can only be achieved through members’ participation in the daily struggle of Sudanese people, in the cause of popular uprising.

(16) Media and Mass Communication
The leadership meeting assigned comrades Dr Omer Shurikan, Ali Abdelatif, Abdelmoniem Rahama and Nasif Bashir to re-publish MASSARAT JADIDA (New Paths) magazine. The meeting also directed its media cadres to expend greater efforts to develop the Movement’s engagement on social media. Directives were also given to continue solving issues that faces the Movement in its search for establishing radio and TV.

(17) Finance
The leadership meeting reviewed the financial situation of the Movement and what had been achieved in terms of resource generation to ensure the independence and effectiveness of the Movement’s work. The meeting adopted some resolutions in this regard.

(18) Negotiation and Dialogue
The leadership meeting was briefed on attempts by the NCP security apparatus to portray the SPLM-N as supporting and participating in the so-called “7+7 committee” of the NCP’s “national dialogue”. The leadership meeting reiterated the SPLM-N position on negotiation and dialogue as in line with the following:
1. The SPLM-N supports a comprehensive settlement and a national constitutional dialogue that paves the way for genuine structural change in Sudan.
2. The SPLM-N’s positions are identical to those of the Sudan Call forces.
3. There should be a new approach to achieve a peaceful comprehensive settlement, and to prevent the NCP government from its usual tactic of ‘buying time’. This new approach should include the following components:
a) Agreement on a comprehensive cessation of hostilities that would stop the war, including ending aerial bombardment and ground attacks in Blue Nile, South Kordofan/Nuba Mountains and Darfur, in order, as a first step, to address and resolve the humanitarian crisis in those areas.
b) Respect for fundamental freedom and human rights as requirement for a genuine constitutional dialogue.
c) Supervision of the national constitutional dialogue by the African Union High Implementation Panel (AUHIP), including as a first step, the holding of a preparatory meeting at the AU headquarter as stipulated in Resolution ( 456) of the AU Peace and Security Council.
d) The AUHIP should get more support by other partners that to include the IGAD, the republic of South Sudan, Chad, Egypt, Algeria, South Africa and Nigeria, in addition to the Troika, Germany and France, the European Union and the United Nations. This will enable the AUHIP to inject new needed momentum and dynamics, and to maximize pressure on all parties to achieve peace and transformation in Sudan.
4. The SPLM-N is ready for consultation meetings with the AUHIP, IGAD and the international community at large for the sake of a comprehensive solution. The SPLM-N will attend the meeting between the AUHIP and the Sudan Call forces.

(19) NCP Regime Change and a Comprehensive Solution
The leadership meeting clarified the complementarity nature of the various mechanisms which can be utilized in the struggle to change the NCP regime. The meeting emphasized that changing the regime is the strategic goal to be materialized through popular uprising, supported by the armed struggle. There can be no comprehensive solution without opening the road of popular uprising because the NCP will not accept any peaceful comprehensive settlement unless it feels threaten from mass uprising and eminent change.
The meeting called upon opposition forces and the Sudanese people to: continue their efforts towards regime change; deploy all mechanisms towards this end without generating false contradictions between them; to be ready for a genuine comprehensive peaceful settlement; and to interact and engage with regional and international bodies to demonstrate that it is only the NCP regime which refuses a peaceful comprehensive solution.

(20) Refugees
The leadership meeting thoroughly discussed the condition of refugees in neighboring countries, in particular refugee camps in the republic of South Sudan. The discussion included understanding of the NCP’s conspiracies to dismantle these camps, and the humanitarian impact of the war in South Sudan on Sudanese refugees. The meeting decided to continue efforts to mobilize regional and international support for, and solidarity with, the refugees.

(21) Prisoners of War
The leadership meeting reiterated the SPLM-N commitment to release prisoners of war in collaboration with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and other Sudanese and non- Sudanese actors, including the initiative of SAI’HOON, the former Jihadist group. The meeting also decided to release additional numbers of prisoners of war from the NCP’s forces and militias.

(22) Final status of the Two Areas (South Kordofan/Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile)
The leadership meeting decided to present the SPLM-N’s vision and position of the final status of the Two Areas (South Kordofan/ Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile) to the national civic and political actors. The meeting re-affirmed the SPLM-N agreement with Imam Alsadeg Al Mahadi and the Umma party to organize a joint workshop on the status of the Two Areas. The SPLM-N also welcomes the participation of other political and civic actors in this consultation about the future of South Kordofan/ Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile.
In conclusion of the meeting, the leadership reiterated the SPLM-N’s deep commitment to political and social change through unification of agents of change. The meeting also took the opportunity of the glorious anniversary of September uprising to call upon the people of Sudan to protest again in the streets of the cities and in rural areas and to demonstrate that popular uprising is the road for change.
Finally the leadership meeting sent a special message to the SPLM-N’s members and supporters:
‘‘We have managed to defeat the militias and the forces of the NCP regime for four successive years. We have managed, despite divisions in the international arena, to communicate and table our case and cause within regional and international platforms, ultimately leading to the adoption of UN Security Council Resolution 2046. We have effectively contributed to building national alliances the Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF), the Paris Declaration and the Sudan Call. We would like to assure the members and supporters of the SPLM-N that we have managed the negotiation processes in a manner that satisfies and serves our people’s interests. Steps taken towards the building and development of the SPLM-N have been solid and persistent. Our foreign relations reflect the respect that the Movement has gained’’.
The SPLM-N is a reality on the ground and on the Sudanese political arena. Victory will be achieved for our people.

The SPLM-N Leadership
August 6th, 2015

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