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Sudan Tribune

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Jonglei state launches sale of over 30,000 tree seedlings

August 21, 2015(BOR)-The government has launched selling of ver 25,000 trees seedlings of different types to the public in Bor and the areas around it, a step which the government described as a major step to that would reduce deforestation in the state.

Jonglei residents and officials tour the nursery beds August 20, 2015 (ST)
Jonglei residents and officials tour the nursery beds August 20, 2015 (ST)
During the launching ceremony on Thursday, the state minister of agriculture, Mayen Ngor Atem said his government had renovated central nursery earlier this year after it was damaged during the crisis, to served the communities of Jonglei state.

“The community of Jonglei state and its neighbors need agroforestry extension service, and that is why Jonglei state came up with this nursery. That is why we went in to plant these trees, ranging from fruits, shelterbelt and shade trees and all the ornamentals that are used in the public and private institutions. They can be planted along the roads and avenues”, said Ngor.

The nursery that was established around February has over 30,000 seedlings of trees, both fruits and ornamentals.

The ministry of agriculture has a plan to open other nurseries in the counties to supply the villagers with the needed seedlings. The village farmers were said to be organized and trained and supported to plant trees in their home states.

“We will be able to empower those farmers, we will be able to talk to them, we will be train them and eventually they will take over. They will be the ones to do this job”, he said.

The same idea would be replicated in the counties. The nurseries will be established in the payams and bomas to supply the village members with trees seedlings of their choices.

“We can have a central nursery in the county, then the payam will have its own nursery and then each boma will have its small nursery. So here, in the whole of the state, we will be able to solve the issue of deforestation, we will be able to solve the problem of land degradation”, said Ngor.

He said the nursery is the main connector of the all the agencies working in food security and the government.

“This nursery is the one that connects the main stakeholders of food security, the NGOs, the national cooperation and the ministry of agriculture and forestry and the farmers, and also the learning institutions”, he said.

The nursery has been supported by the Korean contingency, a Korean army serving as peacekeepers under United Nations mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) mandate and Catholic Relief Service (CRS) special Jonglei Food Security program (JFSP).

“They [Korean peacekeeper] gave us the shade, we really give them a big clap. Also give a big clap to CRS Jonglei Food Security program (JFSP), that gave us teak timbers and iron sheets to rehabilitate the fence, and this is the work of JFSP”, said Ngor.

Deng Aguer, speaker of the state assembly said he would be among the agents to start buying and planting of trees in his home.

“Let us start as officials, let us plant trees at homes and along the roads, I will be one of the agents to plant trees. Bearing the situation of our town, let us make our homes, our town to be attractive to us. If anyone takes one, it will be visible to the rest”, said Aguer.

The state deputy governor, Baba Medan, said his government is ready to beautify the state capital Bor.

“We in the government of Jonglei state, from day one, our vision is very clear, we need to build this state, and make it a better place for the people of Jonglei state, and the people of South Sudan in general”, Baba said.

In the state government budget, the nursery is expected to generate at least 150,000 South Sudanese pounds (aprox $47,318) when all the sales go well. Each seedling of any type was charged SSP5($1.6) at the current rate.


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