Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Sudan’s 1st VP says state reform programme is the biggest challenge

August 23, 2015 (KHARTOUM) – Sudan’s first vice-president, Bakri Hassan Salih, said the state reform program which was recently approved by the cabinet represents the greatest challenge facing the government.

Sudanese vice-president Bakri Hassan Saleh gives a press conference in Khartoum on August 3, 2015 (Photo AFP/Ashraf Shazly)
Sudanese vice-president Bakri Hassan Saleh gives a press conference in Khartoum on August 3, 2015 (Photo AFP/Ashraf Shazly)
Salih, who addressed the states governors on Sunday, acknowledged failures associated with the implementation of the 2007-2011 national strategy, saying its outcome was lower than desirable.

He stressed the reform programme stemmed from the need to assess and review performance following 26 years of continuous work, saying it seeks to improve performance and complete the renaissance programme.

The vice president pointed that the government plans and programs including the national strategy, the five-year programme and state reform programme aim to support completion of the renaissance programme declared by president Omer al-Bashir.

He called for the need to follow up and monitor execution of the government programmes in order to measure the implementation level, saying the reform program requires complementarity of roles between federal and states governments.

“The commitment to carry out the state reform program is an official pledge and it has the support of the political leadership,” he added.

Salih pointed out that the civil services is considered one of the important mechanisms in the implementation of the reform program, saying it is good tool for monitoring and follow up on the implantation of the program.

The vice president also pointed to need for engaging the media in the execution of the reform programme, saying it plays important role in showing areas of deficiency.

He emphasised that the government would support the media in order to carry out its role in promoting the reform programme.

Salih further said the goal of the field visits is to ensure that institutions are implementing the reform programme, adding they count on unannounced field visits to the various states in order to follow up on the implementation.

Earlier this month, Salih said that 33 decrees including 280 items pertaining to the reform process have been issued so far, noting the government pays special attention to the civil service as the basic pillar for reform.

He stressed that the reform programme aims to build a state that is based on Shura (consultation) and democracy and able to provide services for its people.


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