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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan admits killing civilians in Unity state

August 23, 2015 (MAYOM) – A senior government official from South Sudan’s oil-rich Unity state has admitted civilians were killed by government forces in an operation against rebels led by former vice president Riek Machar, but blamed the latter for starting the war which resulted to the massacre of the civilians in the area controlled by the rebels.

People wait to fill up water containers at a camp for those internally displaced by conflict in South Sudan in Unity state capital Bentiu (Photo: Matthew Abbott/AP)
People wait to fill up water containers at a camp for those internally displaced by conflict in South Sudan in Unity state capital Bentiu (Photo: Matthew Abbott/AP)
Commissioner of Mayom county, Colonel Bol Mayak, in an exclusive interview with Sudan Tribune on Sunday said “yes civilians were killed by government forces” between May and July in the southern part of the state capital, Bentiu, when government forces launched military offensive in the area.

Earlier last month, the United Nations mission in South Sudan and Human Right Watch (HRW) accused government forces of carrying out deadly attack on civilians, killing hundreds and displacing hundreds of thousands of people during a village to village hunting of the civilians in Rubkotni, Guit, Koch, Leer and Mayiandit counties in the state. Government officials however denied the accusations at the time.

However, commissioner Mayak of Mayom county confirmed to Sudan Tribune that civilians were truly massacred in the aforementioned areas but blamed the whole crime on rebel leader, Machar, for allegedly starting the war over “greed for power” and to deny sons of Bul-Nuer power in the state.

“We know why Riek Machar took up arms; the reason was he does not want a son from Mayom county to lead this state. When Dr. Joseph Nguen Monytuil [current governor] was appointed by president he was the first person who condemned and referred to it as an unconstitutional,” he said.

Mayak added that the rebel leader did not want anyone from Mayom to enjoy the seat of governorship in Unity state, accusing him for using former governor Taban Deng Gai as a tool of political interest during his regime when he was vice president to president Salva Kiir.


The commissioner of Mayom, home to Bul-Nuer allied to president Kiir from Warrap state of Dinka ethnic group, also said it was better for the Bul-Nuer to split from the rest of the Nuer communities and former their own state curved from Unity state, claiming their community was being hated by the rest of the Nuer for siding with the Dinka.

He directly appealed to president Kiir to save the Bul-Nuer by taking them away from the rest of the Nuer because of the hatred generated over their support to him during the crisis, saying the IGAD-Plus peace deal will trigger a revenge on Bul-Nuer from the other Nuer communities.

“Already every Nuer from Unity state hates us [Bul-Nuer] because we have stood with you as president of republic of South Sudan. And again you want to hand us [over] to our enemies, this is unacceptable. You should have separated us from the rest,” he said.

“We citizen of Mayom say yes we want peace, but it shouldn’t be in favor of Riek Machar rebels. We have done a lot to protect Salva Kiir led government, but not to extend of selling us away,” he lamented.

He urged president Kiir to declare Mayom county a separate state from the rest of Unity state before signing and implementing the IGAD-Plus peace agreement.

“The life of these citizens will be in great risk once more when we are brought together in one state. The rebels will play their dirty game against us, so we fear for our lives,” he added.


Buay Keke, a deputy principal for Kampala rebel based representative, rubbished partition of Unity state, referring to the commissioner’s claim as lacking basis. He told Sudan Tribune in a separate phone interview that Mayom county commissioner should not think forming another state would make him run away from the crimes he and his colleagues committed against civilians in defending president Kiir.

But he said although elements from the Bul-Nuer community have been known for betraying the Nuer community and selling it to president Kiir, yet there was no hatred in the movement against the Bul-Nuer community.

“The movement we are fighting for has nothing to do with hatred. We have people from Greater Bhar-el-Gazal, greater Equatoria and greater Upper Nile states. We have full evident that crimes committed by pro-government [forces] in southern part of the state were not from Mayom citizens, but the leaders who have ordered and instructed the army against civilians,” he said.

He also dismissed that call that Mayom county should be created as a separate state for the purposes of running away from the crimes, adding that there is also a process in creation of new states.

“It is not a word of mouth to divide a state, it needs a lot of work. First you need to consult the people, know the population and territorial boundaries,” he added.

The rebel representative said the war has people who support either sides, but warned such claims by individuals is a big threat to the country unity.

“You cannot rush to wrong decision when people are trying to bring peace. The people in Unity state have no problem among themselves, they are brothers and sisters who use to eat in the same plates and has nothing to do with politics of killing,” he said.

Bul-Nuer community has been largely disguised by the rest of the Nuer as a “sell-out” community which has sided with the enemy that massacred tens of thousands of member so the Nuer community in Juba, including members from the Bul-Nuer who died from 15 December 2013.

The current government appointed governor of Unity state, Joseph Nguen Monytuil and his brother, General Bapiny Monytuil and General Puljang, who have been fighting against the Nuer-led rebellion in Unity state are all from the Bul-Nuer community.


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