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Sudan Tribune

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Sudanese opposition meets AUPSC, reiterates its demand for new process

By Tesfa-Alem Tekle

August 24, 2015 (ADDIS ABABA) – Armed and political opposition groups member of the “Sudan Call” declaration met on Monday for the first time with the Peace and Security Council of the African Union (AUPSC) and reiterate their request for a new roadmap strengthening the mandate of the mediation and involving international partners

Sudan Call leders pose outside the AUPSC building in Addis Ababa on 24 August - (Photo ST)
Sudan Call leders pose outside the AUPSC building in Addis Ababa on 24 August – (Photo ST)
The African Union High Level Implementation Panel (AUHIP) during the week-end held a consultations meeting with the factions of the rebel alliance Sudanese Revolutionary Forces (SRF) that accepted to negotiate with Khartoum and the National Umma Party (NUP).

AUHIP chief former president Thabo Mbeki briefed the opposition delegation about his meeting with president Omer al-Bashir on 3 August where the government expressed willingness for peace talks only with the rebel Sudan People’s Liberation Movement North (SPLM-N) .

Regarding, the rebel groups in Darfur region, the government say they have to accept the Doha Document for Peace in Darfur (DDPD) and negotiate security arrangements. For the opposition NUP, Khartoum told Mbeki they are in contact with him to ensure his participation.

By doing so, Khartoum refuses to abide by a roadmap the AUPSC elaborated after an agreement with the opposition forces and the national dialogue committee signed in September 2014, said the Sudan Call groups in a statement issued after meeting with the regional peace body.

”The (opposition) delegation requested the AUHIP and AUPSC, to adopt clear foundations for dialogue prioritizing the cessation of war, delivery of humanitarian assistance, release of freedoms, expanding the circle of regional and international partners, and to give the (AUHIP) Mechanism a clear mandate to facilitate the dialogue process in Sudan away from gamesmanship and control of the regime,” the statement further stressed..

Last February following a meeting sponsored by the German government, the opposition groups accepted to negotiate the pre-dialogue requirements procedures without any condition and before the cessation of hostilities or other confidence building measure provided in the AUPSC roadmap .

However, the government refused to attend the pre-dialogue meeting saying it should not be held before the elections. The Sudanese officials said the timing of the meeting will minimize the importance of the presidential and legislative elections.

The ruling National Congress Party rejects the opposition’s demand for the participation of external parties in the national dialogue process. Khartoum accepted after huge regional pressure the facilitation of the dialogue by the AUHIP.


The AUHIP is due to report positions of the two parties (Government and opposition) to the Africa Union Peace and Security Council (AUPSC) on Tuesday.

The peace and security body will carefully study their current position and design a way forward.

Opposition officials on Monday urged the regional body to take a clear stance in support of peace and regional stability. They accused the government in Khartoum of closing doors for the ongoing collective efforts being exerted by the African Union and international community .

“President Bashir rejected all efforts of the AUHIP and he is starting a process of national dialogue leaving out all the AUPSC resolutions particularly its decision no 456” Yasir Arman, SPLM-N secretary general told Sudan Tribune.

Arman further said that the government refuse the AU efforts and “instead are going ahead with their own national dialogue which is controlled by the ruling party in Sudan”.

He stressed that the Sudan call groups have rejected the current dialogue process and demanded a credible process that will resume under the autopsies of the AUHIP headed by Mbeki.

JEM chief negotiator, Ahmed Tugod, said the peace for Sudan is far from reaching with the government’s little commitment.

He said convening the national dialogue will be impossible while the government continuing to exercise cosmetic arrangements.

“The government has already deliberately designed a national dialogue that can’t resolve problems in Sudan,” Tugod told Sudan Tribune.

He added the government’s approach can’t bring peace and stability as well as development or solve the economic crises facing the country.

He urged the AUPSC to intervene and put maximum pressure on Khartoum government to abide by resolutions set by the AUPSC or UN security council.

“What the Sudan government is doing is contrary to the will of the international community and even against the government in Sudan” he added.

The Sudan Call groups are due to hold a big conference in the near future to convey their united message that they are towards peace and change in Sudan.

They said they reached the head of the National Consensus Forces (NCF) Farouk Abu Issa and the chair of the civil society groups Amin Mekki Madani who were not invited for the consultations meeting and discussed the organisation of the meeting with them.


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