Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan’s inflation rate moves closer to single digit figures

September 7, 2015 (KHARTOUM) – Inflation rate in Sudan appeared poised for reaching single digit figures before the end of the year with the announcement today it dropped from 14.1% in July to 11.3% in August.

sudan_meat1.jpgThe 2015 budget has a target inflation rate of 25% while the IMF projected 12.4% by year-end.

The Central Bureau of Statistics (CBoS) said that 13 states witnessed inflation rate declines compared to last year with the largest being in North Darfur (-63%) and lowest being Red Sea (-1.8%).

Gezira state however saw its inflation rate going up year over year by +7.3%.

Sudan has been struggling with double-digit inflation since secession of the oil-rich south in 2011 but it has succeeded in bringing it down from a high of 46.8% in July 2014 to 25.6% in November of the same year.

The East African nation which became a net importer of oil after the partition is benefiting from the sharp drop in crude prices worldwide weak demand and rise in supplies.

Ordinary citizens however continue to complain from cost of living increases that impaired their access to basic commodities.


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