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Sudan Tribune

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IGAD says security agreement officially ends S. Sudan war

By Tesfa-Alem Tekle

November 3, 2015 (ADDIS ABABA) – Mediators from the East African regional bloc (IGAD) which brokered a peace deal between South Sudan rival factions officially declared on Tuesday that the nearly two years long conflict in the young nation was over.

IGAD chief mediator Seyoum Mesfin (L) and the SPLM In Opposition's lead negotiator, Taban Deng Gai, attend the resumption of South Sudan talks in Addis Ababa on 11 February 2014 (Photo: Reuters/Tiksa Negeri)
IGAD chief mediator Seyoum Mesfin (L) and the SPLM In Opposition’s lead negotiator, Taban Deng Gai, attend the resumption of South Sudan talks in Addis Ababa on 11 February 2014 (Photo: Reuters/Tiksa Negeri)
“IGAD’s special envoy, Seyoum Mesfin, made the declaration after a final agreement on South Sudan Security Arrangement was signed in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia by principal signatories of the accord to resolve the political crisis in the country.

Major. Gen. Stephan Babanen from South Sudan government and Lt. Gen. James Koamg Chuoal Ranley from the armed opposition (SPLM-IO) as well as Gen. Oyai Deng Ajak of the former detainees signed the agreement at Sheraton hotel in Addis Ababa.

The IGAD’s special envoys, IGAD plus, international peace partners, government officials, diplomats and friends of South Sudan witnessed the agreement signing ceremony.

The warring parties have been meeting at the chief negotiators level, including their military command from 21 October to 3 November 2015 and held extensive discussions on planning implementation of the signed agreements.

Other agenda items included were concerns raised by the IGAD mediation on its proposed harmonization document and in any other concerns needed to be resolved to ensure the implementation of the permanent cease fire and operationaliaztion of the institutions provided for in the agreement and in the implementation time line.

As per the final IGAD imposed proposal on security arrangements, the warring factions on Tuesday signed an agreement on the total number of forces that will remain in Juba.

According to the agreement, the two sides will deploy a total 4,830 shared forces in Juba, 3,420 for Juba and 1,410 for the SPLM in opposition. The South Sudanese government will, as stipulated in the deal, get 650 presidential guards while SPLM-IO will have 350.

A total of 1,820 guards and military police to be shared by the two sides will also be deployed and with a unified command to decide on their status, encampment and deployment.

The parties have also agreed for the deployment of 3,000 joint integrated police 1,500 each to guard security of Juba. Moreover they will deploy a total of 2,400 joint integrated police 400 to each town in Bor, Malakal, and Bentiu.

The signatory parties further committed themselves to build confidence between the parties to the agreement and ensure security was provided to leaders and civilians in the country.

After the agreement was signed, Taban Deng Gai chief negotiator of the SPLM-IO said the day marks a critical step towards the full implementation of the peace agreement.

“This is a historic day to the people of South Sudan. We are committed to fully implement the peace agreement and more importantly to the reunification of the SPLM” Gai

He said the unification of SPLM is key to reunite the people of South Sudan and reconcile the nation.

Michael Makuei, acting chief negotiator of South Sudan government to his side echoed Gai’s remarks saying his government would remain committed to the implementation of the peace agreements.

He said the day marks a start to a real operationalisation of signed agreements.

“Today we will start implementation as we move from here”

Tuesday’s gathering, Makuei said, is the last meeting in Addis Ababa.

“From now onwards we are transferring the implementation of the agreement in to South Sudan” He said adding “What ever difficulties and hurdles we might face along the way we will address them all together”.

Despite a final peace agreement signed in August, the two sides didn’t move forward on the implementation as they were reluctant to do so without proper security arrangement on ground.

While congratulating the two conflicting parties on their commitment to overcome the crises, Ambassador Seyoum Mesfin, Chairman of IGAD special envoys expressed optimism that the world will soon witness a peaceful and prosperous South Sudan.

“We are confident that by mid of this month we will inaugurate a solid progress achieved towards the implementation of the process in Juba; if possible that the inauguration will be crowned with leaders of IGAD and many friends of South Sudan with the presence of all signatory parties at the highest level possible”

Mesfin also hoped to inauguration would see the taking over of Botswana former president and head of GEMK, Festus Gontebayo pushing forward the process of the implementation.

The former Ethiopian foreign minister however noted still a need for a collective support for the realization of the implementation process.


Mean while SPLM-IO high level team is due to leave for Juba in 15 November, Taban Deng Gai chief negotiator of the SPLM-IO announced today.

While announcing Gai brought the house in to laughter when he said “once again comrade Michael Makuei prepare for our reception”

He called on other partners to support the process of the implementation which political analysts say could be a major challenge ahead.

In Juba, the delegation will discuss with the government in a number of issues mainly on security issues before the opposition group led by first Vice president designate Riek Machar, and his forces return to Juba.

The SPLM-IO and the former detainees will communicate with Juba on peace building, mobilization, and sensitization of the public through dissemination of the agreement.

Opposition officials told Sudan Tribune that SPLM-IO leader, first vice-president designate, Riek Machar has left today to rebel headquarters in Pagak.

In Pagak, Machar is expected to endorse Taban Deng Gai to lead the SPLM-IO high level teamto Juba.

He will also update his political and military officials on the latest reached agreement and will decide with them on Juba’s unilateral move to expand South Sudan states from ten to 28.


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