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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan NCP rejects PCP’s proposal for transitional government

November 10, 2015 (KHARTOUM) – The ruling National Congress Party (NCP) reiterated its rejection for a proposal calling to form a transitional government and accused the opposition of seeking to overthrow the regime through the dialogue process.

President Omer al-Bashir speaking at the opening of the second parliamentary session 19 Oct 2015 (Photo SUNA)
President Omer al-Bashir speaking at the opening of the second parliamentary session 19 Oct 2015 (Photo SUNA)
The Popular Congress Party (PCP) filed the proposal of the transitional government to the governance and administration committee of the national dialogue conference .

the proposition calls to form a national unity government agreed by the participants to implement the resolutions of the conference. It also provides that the president Omer al-Bashir will be maintained as head of state to oversee the realisation of the national dialogue project that he launched.

But the presidential aide and NCP deputy chairman Ibrahim Mahmoud voiced his rejection to this proposal describing it as “illusions”.

This rejection angered some of the participants who warned that they will withdraw from the process if the ruling party persists to refuse their involvement in the implementation of the outcome of the process.

Seeking to dissipate the tension, the spokesperson for the mechanism, Fadl al-Sayed Shoaib stated that the what Mahmoud said does not represent the NCP. But the latter quickly reacted on Tuesday reaffirming that what he said is not a personal opinion but it is the position of the ruling party.

Further the head of political office for the NCP bloc in the National Assembl, Hasaballah Salih on Tuesday want to accuse the PCP and those who back the proposal of seeking toend the rule of the NCP through the dialogue process.

“We say to those who entered in the dialogue process in order to remove the National Congress from the political arena you will not get that at all,” Salih said.

He went further to tell the Islamist opposition PCP that he national dialogue does not seek in any case to reunite the Sudanese Islamists or the NCP and the PCP adding “this issue is not on the table at all”.

He pointed that President Bashir draw his legitimacy from April elections and nobody can come out with another position.

Former presidential assistant Nafei Ali Nafei in a public meeting on Tuesday he reiterated his party refusal for any discussions on the power sharing during a transitional period.

But instead of replying to the PCP, he severely castigated the left parties saying they refuse to participate in the because they want to participate in a government tasked with the implementation of the dialogue resolutions.

The opposition Sudan Call forces also call for the formation of a transitional government tasked with the implementation of the dialogue outcome, saying the national unity government will ensure the full realization of the democratic reforms.


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